"500 single mistakes"
This report calls attention to the unsustainable forest management of the Swedish forest company Swedish Cellulosa AB (SCA). Is trading with forest products based on virgin fibers from SCA in Sweden in line with your company’s sustainability policy? This report shows that the risk is extremely high, almost to the extent of a guarantee, that buyers will receive products which originate from conservation value forests or infringe on indigenous Sámi rights. The report also uncovers the fact that existing certification schemes in Sweden as FSC/PEFC do not guarantee a socially or environmentally responsible forest management.
SCA’s logging of forests with conservation values has been, and continues to be, on a systematic level and on a landscape-scale. This report presents a list of more than 500 examples of logged and threatened forests with conservation values, disproving SCA’s claims that such cases are only ”single mistakes” or the result of ”human error”.
Note that even though this report focuses on Sweden’s largest private forest company SCA, the same issues and challenges, more or less apply to all major forest companies and related industries operating in the country. With the alarming rate of biodiversity loss and the ongoing decimation of indigenous reindeer grazing land, Protect the Forest labels Sweden as a high-risk country for trading wood products with.
The SCA-files is a case study of the environmental impact of SCA’s forestry operations. The findings are very alarming – over a third of all logging notifications on SCA’s own land holdings are in probable and potential continuity forests. The study further shows that SCA has, and is planning to log, within planned nature reserves, registered Woodland Key Habitats, in internationally unique valuable natural forests in the Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt, and other areas with documented conservation values across the boreal region of Sweden.
Field experts’ inventories and reports from the past 25 years show how the company continuously has cut down forests with conservation values, despite the fact that they were given information about the natural values of these forests prior to logging. SCA has received repeated criticism and countless formal complaints within the certification system, during the years they have been FSC certified. The FSC has proved itself incapable of addressing and rectifying these obvious violations of the regulations.
We have compiled a list of 500 ”individual mistakes”, which both show that the same “mistakes” are repeated year after year, despite fact-based criticism, and that it involves large-scale destruction and degradation of conservation value forests.
Field reports from areas SCA has notified for felling, or which they have already logged, show the systematic destruction of important habitats for red-listed and protected species. More than 95% of SCA’s forestry is done through clear-cutting, and about 80% of all clear-cuts are replanted with refined seedlings, creating ecologically and genetically depleted industrial production tree stands dominated by even-aged spruce and/or pine. As the practice of clear-cutting has been carried out by SCA and all major forest companies in Sweden since the 1950’s, and beyond, this transition from old, bio-diverse continuity forests to young, depleted production stands is on a landscape level in the boreal region of Sweden.
As many of the young production stands in the north are still not ready for harvesting, SCA has locked their target on the remaining unprotected continuity forests. There is no state authority which is set to systematically survey conservation values prior to logging, so with very few exceptions the natural values of logged forests were undocumented. Even though our field studies only cover a small fraction of what is logged every year, they show that SCA to a large extent has logged forests with red-listed and protected species.
Is SCA:s logging of conservation value forests a question of a few individual ”mistakes” - as the company claims - or is it in fact a systematic clear-cutting of probable continuity forests and conservation value forests?
In addition to the 500 examples in this report, cases that are only the tip of an iceberg, statistics for all of SCA’s current logging plans shows that the clear-cutting within the area of mapped probable and potential continuity forests is systematic, and not a matter of interpretation, or a matter of “single mistake”.
The statistics of SCA’s logging plans in the following graphs, so called notifications for final felling, clearly show that the company systematically plans to clear-cut and convert natural and near-natural forests, that have not previously been clear-cut, into industrial production tree stands and tree plantations.
The continuity forest map layers have a relatively large overlap with core-areas, old-growth forest and with forest with conservation value, which means that logging within the mapped layer means a loss of valuable habitats and a great risk of degrading and destroying forests with natural values.
Our analysis of SCA’s logging plans shows the overlap with probable continuity forests, as well as with their own previously set-asides areas for nature conservation. We have also produced data showing how much of these forests which are converted into production tree stands planted with seedlings from nurseries, and which in the future will most likely be managed in such a way that they are dominated by planted seedlings. To put it simply: conversion of natural forests into tree plantations.
The graph shows that SCA systematically plans to clear-cut forests within the mapped area of probable and potential continuity forest (PCF). SCA operates both on its own land holdings and on a large scale also on small private landowners forest land. In February of 2024, a total of 36 802 hectares of PCF was notified for final felling by SCA, in the four counties covered by the analysis.
Both the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Protect the Forests have done estimates on the overlap between PCF and core areas (“värdekärna”, defined as conservation value forests) and old-growth forests. For northern Sweden, the region where SCA operates, the estimate is that there is a large overlap (roughly 65%) between probable continuity forest and core areas and/or old-growth forests.
SCA’s notifications for final felling in PCF (percentage of hectares)
The data, which is based on SEPA’s refined remote sensing mapping of areas of probable continuity forest, simplified, covers all forest areas/stands over 5 hectares, in the counties included in the analysis. Mapped continuity forest stands below 5 hectares (but larger than half a hectare) is defined as potential continuity forest, and is also part of the data in the analysis. Note! 98% of SCA’s logging notifications are within the four northern counties covered by this analysis. In addition, SCA has also notified forest areas with potential continuity forest in Gävleborg County for final felling (clear-cutting), and a small area owned by a private landowner in Dalarna County. Because the data for continuity forests in Gävleborg County is not refined (and therefore partially different from the other counties in the analysis), and because the area in Dalarna County is not statistically significant, we have chosen to exclude statistics from these counties from the analysis and the graph. The graph above excludes notifications of areas that are categorized as disturbed probable continuity forest.
The felling notifications data comes from the Swedish Forest Agency (SFA).
This graph clearly shows that SCA plans to continue the large-scale conversion from naturally regenerated continuity forests into planted managed production stands. The latest data from early 2024 shows that SCA had notified 31 262 hectares of PCF for final felling with the plan to plant them with refined seedlings of pine or spruce.
The designation of Woodland Key Habitats (WKHs) and other voluntarily set-aside areas for nature conservation required by certification is carried out by the companies themselves, without any involvement or evaluation from authorities. As voluntary set-aside areas are not permanently protected, the companies are allowed to freely change the status of any given area. Our analysis shows that currently more than 3% of the areas notified for final felling were set-asides just four years ago.
Not even designated WKHs are guaranteed protection, and there are several cases where we have seen SCA log in WKH. Sometimes these loggings are carried out under the guise of nature conservation management, where we have found the large amount of trees harvested unjustified and counterproductive from any ecological point of view. For example, areas where SCA has carried out so called “conservation fires” are regularly heavily thinned prior to burning. Often as much as 70% of the trees are harvested from these forests, thus removing the most important ecological key factor for the burnt forest, i.e. damaged and dead wood.
Note: At the time of the analysis, 2335 hectares of previously set-aside areas were notified for final felling.
The graph shows that SCA to a certain extent also plans to log forests previously set-aside for nature conservation. At the time of the analysis, 2335 hectares of areas which were set-aside just four years ago were notified for final felling.
The destruction of northern Sweden’s natural forests has been going on since the rise of the timber industry in the 1800s, where most of the forests at the time were untouched by intensive forestry. During the so-called first timber front, only the large trees were selectively cut.
The selective logging in the old natural forests left behind natural forests that at the time were more sparse. Many natural forests that were historically affected by selective logging, and still have not been clear-cut, today have high conservation values. Both natural forests that were affected by this historic selective felling, and such forests that were unaffected, were naturally regenerated forests that had not previously been clear-cut, so-called continuity forests.
With the dawn of the era when large-scale and mechanised clear-cutting became totally prevalent, in the 1950s, this depletion of natural forests took a turn for the worse.
Since Swedish Cellulosa AB (SCA) was founded in 1929, the company has been at the forefront of this destruction of continuity forests. After nearly a century of ruthless forestry in continuity forests, mostly scattered and fragmented areas of continuity forests remain below the mountain region. And as many secondary forests are still not ready for harvesting, SCA has locked their target on these last few percent of remaining unprotected continuity forests.
The Swedish company SCA is Europe’s largest private land holder, as well as one of Europe’s largest producers of pulp and wood products. The company owns more than 2 million hectares of productive forest, or about 10 percent of all the forests in Sweden. However, SCA’s industries need much more wood than what their own forests can produce every year. About 50% of SCA’s annual wood supply comes from forests owned by small private landowners or other companies, where SCA in general also performs the forestry operations.
SCA’s forests are located in the northern part of Sweden, the home to some of Europe’s remaining continuity and old-growth forests, an important part of the EU’s natural heritage. For decades, the company’s forestry practices have been heavily criticised for not protecting natural forests and for not taking sufficient environmental consideration. Through the years, there have been constant reports of SCA logging forests with high conservation values, but there has been no real change in the company’s forestry methods.
SCA’s nature conservation efforts are modest and are not in line with global targets for nature protection, nor are they in line with the recommendations based on nature conservation research. The company only sets aside a few percent of their productive forest land as voluntary nature conservation areas. Most of their forest land is intensively managed with clear-cut forestry. Bio-diverse rich forests are clear-cut in order to supply the raw material for SCA’s saw mills and paper mills, and replanted with coniferous plantations and production stands.
However, even with such low levels of environmental consideration, SCA is able to sell their wood and paper products at high market prices by claiming them to be “environmentally friendly”. The FSC-certification was supposed to guarantee that wood and fibre products would come from socially and environmentally sustainable forest management. This has proven time after time to be nothing more than a green washing fraud.
Countless complaints have been raised against SCA during the 25 years since FSC was founded. The company has without doubt repeatedly and systematically breached a number of FSC-regulations, but the system has had no intent of addressing these shortcomings. As a result, the large majority of the environmental organisations who first endorsed FSC Sweden have abandoned it.
In the wake of the past years storm of criticism against SCA, their lead FSC-auditor DNV terminated their contract, as reported by Sweden’s second largest daily newspaper Dagens Nyheter. In February of 2024, DNV renewed SCA’s FSC certificate for another five years, despite new reports by environmental NGO’s of violations of the FSC standard. In July DNV returned all pending formal FSC-complaints and there was no word of who would be their new auditors until 1st of October 2024.
In practice this means that for more than six months, there was no control mechanism in place ensuring that SCA was following FSC-regulations and no means for the public to interact in any way with the FSC-system. The credibility of FSC as a guarantee for responsible forest management is crumbling before our eyes.
This clearly shows that the only thing guaranteed for a product carrying the Swedish FSC label is that the product comes from unsustainably managed forest.
SCA is Europe’s largest private forest owner with Europe as its main market. Many Europeans use disposable items and hygiene products that come from forests felled by SCA. However, few know how huge SCA’s ecological footprint is.
The company claims that the examples of SCA-logged conservation value forests raised by NGOs are only individual mistakes. This graph shows reality! The SCAvenging is systematic, continuous and large-scale!
For almost a century SCA has been, and still is, one of the largest loggers of continuity forests, i.e. natural forests which have not previously been clear-cut.
This illustration shows a large forest area where SCA is the major owner and operator. Their land holdings are demarcated in red.
The map shows parts of the large municipalities of Strömsund, Sollefteå and Ragunda in northern Sweden. Since the full-scale introduction of clear-cutting, 88% of the forests in this area have been clear-felled. During the same time about 5 114 km of forest roads have been built. Illustration: Jon Andersson
The green areas mostly show continuity forests and older forest stands, with very few exceptions. The yellow areas show clear-cuts, which are followed by the establishment of young production stands or forest plantations.
Forest roads for logging trucks are marked in black. The road network divides the landscape and some species find it more difficult to move about. In addition, the flow of water through the soil changes, and the natural distribution of nutrients is disturbed.
Sweden harbours an important part of the EU’s natural heritage. The Swedish forest landscape is diverse and contains several areas of habitat types protected under the Habitats Directive, many of which are still unprotected, from the Western taiga with primary- and old-growth forests and naturally regenerated continuity forests, to the Fennoscandian hemiboreal natural old broad-leaved deciduous- and beech forests. Sweden is also assessed as having the largest area of remaining continuity forest within the EU, i.e. forest which have not previously been subjected to clearcutting.
The Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt is the largest intact forest landscape in the European Union. It is largely situated within the borders of Sweden, and is a unique natural heritage from a European as well as international perspective. About half of these intact mountain forests still lack strict protection, and some wood from forestry within the Green Belt still potentially ends up in the supply chains of certified forest companies.
In May 2024 the Swedish Radio reported that over 6000 hectares of the internationally valuable natural forests in the Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt has been cut down in just four years. SCA is one of the two biggest loggers in the area according to the report.
Ongoing logging by SCA within the area proposed for protection within the Green Belt. Stor-Gruveln, Jämtland County, september 2024. Photo: Daniel Rutschman
However, it’s important to note that it is outside the Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt, where the vast majority of all productive forest land is found, and where active forestry is the norm. It is also below the border of subalpine forest land, that most felling of forests with conservation values takes place. SCA is probably one of the absolute largest harvesters of continuity forests in the EU.
The preservation of unprotected forests with high conservation values in Sweden is critical to maintaining biodiversity and protecting ecosystem functions.
An in-depth assessment by the Swedish Forest Agency of Sweden’s environmental quality objective pertaining to forests shows that the objective will not be achieved with existing policy instruments and measures. It concludes that the logging of natural forests and continuity forest is the driving cause of the negative trend for biodiversity in the forest and that “ensuring that remaining forests with very high natural values are preserved is crucial and needs to be addressed urgently.”
About 2000 forest-dwelling species re red-listed. Approximately 1,000 red-listed forest-dwelling species are assessed as threatened, of which at least 394 species are assessed as threatened due to clear-cutting.
Moreover the Swedish Species Information Center at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences states that “approximately 1,400 red-listed species are strongly negatively affected by logging” and that the ”lack of continuity forests, i.e. forests that have never been clear-cut, is one of the main reasons why forest-dwelling species are listed on the Red List.” They conclude that ”in order to reverse the trend of declining populations, unprotected forest environments, with habitats for red-listed species, need to be preserved in the long term throughout the country.”.
Sweden should protect and restore forests in line with EU species and habitats directives, biodiversity- and forest strategies and the CBD-framework by 2030. In line with the EU biodiversity strategy, EU directives and international agreements, at least 30 percent of the productive forest land should be protected, especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services. They need to be ecologically representative, well-connected, and equitably governed systems of protected areas. Today, only about 6 percent of the Swedish productive forest has long-term, quality assured and transparent protection; however, the productive forest land hosts the most diverse nature types and provides habitats for the majority of the red listed forest species. The target must be achieved by 2030 and be well-distributed across the different forest regions. To achieve a functional protection of 30 percent, significant restoration efforts are required for large areas.
Today, certified forestry’s contribution to meeting environmental targets is modest or negative. Representatives from forestry and industry actively lobby against EU legislation and act to weaken or dilute the interpretation of international and national environmental targets relating to forest, something that must change. The few percent that are set aside voluntarily within the framework of the certifications, is far below the levels recommended by researchers and far from international environmental targets. Certified loggings of forest with conservation values make it difficult to meet environmental goals, and is directly counterproductive.
SCA is the EU’s largest private forest owner, and a large-scale logger of continuity forests. The systematic logging of continuity forests and old-growth forest with conservation values have a very negative affect Sweden’s chances to live up to international and national environmental targets and directives.
SCA’s environmental and nature conservation ambitions are too modest and the proportion of voluntary set-asides of forest land too small-scale and low-level, to live up to environmental targets and the scientists recommended minimum levels of area set-aside for nature conservation. It’s also too small-scale to manage to preserve all native species in viable populations, within SCA:s forest land holdings.
We can conclude that the degradation of forests and biodiversity is progressing despite increased nature conservation efforts in recent decades.
In the north, the Sámi culture, including the reindeer husbandry, are dependent on the forest for their livelihoods. One of the major threats for Sámi culture is the loss of reindeer grazing land due to direct or indirect impacts from competing land use, such as commercial forestry. The forest provides shelter and food for the reindeer, as well as materials for Sámi handicrafts.
Forestry methods such as soil scarification and the use of fertilisers have a large negative impact on the ground lichens, the primary food resource for the reindeer. Furthermore, the dense canopy of young coniferous plantations allows less light to reach the ground, which is detrimental to the light-demanding ground lichen.
The large-scale fragmentation of forests and loss of important grazing lands have pushed reindeer husbandry to the edge of survival.
Especially the on-going clear-cut forestry aggravates the condition for the reindeer husbandry by destroying habitats for tree living beard lichens, which is the second most important food source for the reindeer. Also, forestry and its infrastructure have significantly reduced the area of old spruce forests, which provide relief for the reindeers from heat and insects.
The forest industry has since the 1970’s planted more than 600 000 hectares with the non-native tree species Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). This is another great obstacle for reindeer husbandry, as these dense forests are completely unusable and create barriers for reindeer herding. The Organisation for Sámi in Sweden (SSR) has declared a zero-tolerance for new Lodgepole pine plantations on reindeer herding land and demand that existing plantations must be phased out.
SCA has approximately 300 000 hectares of Lodgepole pine plantations, which corresponds to 15 percent of SCA’s productive forest land. That is half of all Lodgepole pine in Sweden. Therefore, they bear a great deal of responsibility for the negative environmental effects and for the negative effects that these plantations have on Sami reindeer husbandry.
Lodgepole pine: Total area and annual plantation. Source: SCA report 2023
Halting the destruction and fragmentation of forest ecosystems as well as restoring and protecting the world’s forests is fundamental; not in the least to strengthen the resilience of the ecosystems during a period when the climate gets increasingly extreme. In a time when reduction of emissions and safeguarding every possible carbon sink and carbon storage is critical, the Swedish forestry and industry continuously moves large amounts of carbon out of the forests and into the atmosphere. Clearcutting emits large amounts of greenhouse gases.
Research shows that reduced logging levels provide large climate benefits in the coming decades. The time factor is important - the next few years will be critical, if we are to reach international climate- and environmental targets, mitigate negative climate effects and avoid exceeding so-called ”tipping points”.
The most effective way to mitigate climate change is to void emissions of carbon, and to preserve and enhance the natural carbon stocks and carbon sinks. Emissions must be rapidly reduced from both fossil and biogenic sources.
Studies show that tree plantations, in general, store less carbon than the former old natural forest, regardless of geographic region.
An old forest has a large carbon stock. Besides the trees, large amounts of carbon are stored in the soil, enhanced by the fungal networks. Disturbances such as fires or storms may affect the amounts of carbon in an old forest, but undisturbed, it may continue to build up carbon for centuries. Studies have shown that old-growth forests both store a lot of carbon, and can be large carbon sinks.
Scientists and experts point out that we cannot wait for the trees that replace the forests being clear-cut today to grow back and rebind all the carbon. Exceeding 1.5°C global warming could trigger multiple climate tipping points. Planetary boundaries have already been overstepped.
Although this report covers forestry carried out by SCA, we want to emphasise that the same issues surround all major forest companies and industries in Sweden. Four companies own ⅓ of all forests in Sweden: state-owned Sveaskog and the paper industry giants SCA, Stora Enso and Holmen. Other multinational paper and pulp producers like Mondi, Smurfit Kappa, Metsä Group, DS Smith and BillerudKorsnäs also have industries in Sweden where they source from certified forests. Together, the three forest owners’ associations, Norra Skog, Mellanskog and Södra log the largest volumes of wood, and supply both their own industries as well as others. But when it comes to clearcutting continuity forests, the major culprit is SCA.
Sweden places sixth out of all countries in the world when it comes to annual logging volumes - even though it only holds 0,6% of the world’s forests. It is the world’s third largest exporter of wood products, and 80% of everything that is produced is exported.
With the exceptions of some very small, local initiatives there is currently no commercially available forest products from Sweden that can guarantee an environmentally sound origin.
Today Protect the Forest considers Sweden a “high-risk country” to trade forest products with, and both forestry, industry and the government must take drastic measures to turn this situation around.
Sweden has a particularly great responsibility because it holds a large part of the EU:s primary and old-growth forests and other forests with conservation values as well as being a large forestry and export country. Forestry and industry also have a large environmental debt to pay.
SCA’s logging of forests with conservation values has been, and continues to be, on a systematic level and on a landscape-scale. This report presents a list of more than 500 examples of logged and threatened forests with conservation values, disproving SCA’s claims that such cases are only ”single mistakes” or the result of ”human error”.
The following forests have been logged by SCA despite the company being informed in advance (or where such information was publicly available) of the forests’ natural values and/or occurrence of red-listed and protected species.
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2024 | Långtjärnsberget 25 hectares of natural forest with Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 25 | |||
2024 | Kuuravaara In May 2024, SCA began logging two areas of older natural pine forest with high natural values. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation appealed to the court, which issued a felling ban, but by then most of the area had already been logged. Here there were finds of red-listed species such as Sidera lenis (VU) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Norrbotten | Övertorneå | 7 | |||
2024 | Saskam Logged forest with high natural values, despite protests from nearby residents where it has been logged right next to the village. 19 nature conservation species, including Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Boletopsis grisea (VU), Hydnellum caeruleum (NT) and Siberian tit (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 5 | |||
2024 | Storön SCA felled an older, coastal pine forest with high conservation values ??that the County Administrative Board wanted to turn into a nature reserve. |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 20,3 | |||
2024 | Marktjärn 41 hectares of natural forest of WKH-quality were notified for felling in 2019. Most of it was felled in the middle of an ongoing complaint process at the turn of the year 2023/24, despite the fact that 20 red-listed species had been discovered. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 41 | |||
2024 | Älgehöjden Enormous fellings were carried out on Älgehöjden in the summer of 2024 in an older, fire-marked continuity forest. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 50 | |||
2024 | Norrån A close to 3 km long stretch of clear-cutting of continuity forest along the Norrån stream. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 45 | |||
2024 | Viksjö-Gammråningen In violation of the species protection act, SCA clearcut a forest during the ongoing nesting of Ural owl (§4). They only left the tree with the nest, and the timber was piled only a few meters from the nest where the chicks were. |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 9,6 | |||
2024 | Skumsåstjärnen (1) Logging of continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Goodyera repens (VU, §8). Despite knowledge of Goodyera repens, no consideration was given to the protected orchid, which could not be found upon return visits. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1 | |||
2024 | Skumsåstjärnen (2) Despite knowledge of species findings, SCA felled a continuity forest with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), among others. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 4 | |||
2024 | Skumsåstjärnen (3) SCA felled approx. 14 hectares of continuity forest on private land without notifying for felling, even though there were documented natural values ??and findings of 19 red-listed species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT) etc. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 14 | |||
2024 | Fröbäckstjärnarna 50 hectares of natural forest were logged in the winter of 2024 by SCA, who plans to replant the area with Lodgepole pine. Goodyera repens (VU, §8) was found on the clearcut. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 50,2 | |||
2024 | Rånön-Sandvikudden Felling of continuity forest with trees up to 200 years old. Wet-land forest. |
Norrbotten | Kalix | 3 | |||
2024 | Stor-Gruveln Logged mountain forest within area proposed for protection by state investigation. |
Jämtland | Krokom | 16 | |||
2023 | Granbodberget On the top of Granbodberget there was a natural pine forest that SCA felled in 2022/23, despite more than 200 findings of 28 different conservation value species. Griseoporia carbonaria (EN), Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Neoantrodia primaeva (EN), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU) etc. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 44 | |||
2023 | Juån-Björsjöbodarna During fifteen years, SCA felled 130 hectares of contiguous continuity forest at Björsjöbodarna with 193 findings of 40 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Goodyera repens (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU) and Phlebia centrifuga (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 130 | |||
2023 | Svartabborrtjärn Logged forest with findings of Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Hertelidea botryosa (NT) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 9,5 | |||
2023 | Staverberget Ö 53 findings of 19 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Postia lateritia (VU) and Nothorhina muricata (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 29,9 | |||
2023 | Älggårdsberget In the winter of 2023/24, SCA felled a continuity forest and previously voluntarily set-aside area in the middle of an active territory for three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). The oldest trees that were felled were 250-300 years old. Red-listed species such as Goodyera repens (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT) were found on the clearcut. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 10 | |||
2023 | Rigåsen In 2023, SCA felled most of the natural forests that bordered the Rigåsen nature reserve, despite the fact that three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Siberian jay (§4), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Steccherinum collabens (VU) were observed there. |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 36,9 | |||
2023 | Branaflon Despite knowing about the protected orchid Goodyera repens (VU, §8), SCA logged the forest after receiving a dispensation from the County Administrative Board. |
Jämtland | Östersund | 9,9 | |||
2023 | Mörtsjöbodarna SCA logged a limestone-rich conifer forest with the highly threatened action program species Baptria tibiale (EN). About 10 hectares felled, of which just over 1 hectare appears to have been logged illegaly. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 10 | |||
2023 | Holmstjärnen Old pine forest where a large number of pines between 250 and 370 years were felled. Natural pine forest of just over three hectares. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3 | |||
2023 | Stor-Kärmsjön 17 hectares of natural forest with 19 red-listed species logged, major soil damages. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 17 | |||
2023 | Djupdalsbäcken Logged before the Land and Environment Court's court process was completed. Trees with three-toed woodpecker sap rings (NT, §4) were felled. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8,5 | |||
2023 | Västervik Logged natural forest with over 30 reportings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), as well as Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and traces of three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). The County Administrative Board classified parts of the harvested area as 'Core Area', which corresponds to Woodland Key Habitat quality. |
Västerbotten | Storuman | 7,3 | |||
2023 | Bispgårds-storflon Logging of forest with findings of Hertelidea botryosa (NT), Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT) etc. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 9,5 | |||
2023 | Brändberget Logged forest with 41 findings of 9 conservation value species, including six locations with Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Aphroditeola olida (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Hygrophorus karstenii (NT). |
Norrbotten | Boden | 14,1 | |||
2023 | Långtjärnen Logged forest with 19 findings of 9 red-listed species, including Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 32,1 | |||
2023 | Stentjärnen Logged despite 25 findings of 16 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Nothorhina muricata (NT) and Hertelidea botryosa (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 4,6 | |||
2023 | Storbacken Logging of continuity forest with findings of Cystostereum murrayi (NT) and Pelloporus leporinus (NT). 12 findings of 8 different conservation value species, 6 of which are red-listed. |
Jämtland | Krokom | 7,8 | |||
2023 | Blekån Logged forest with findings of the protected species Cypripedium calceolus (§8), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Cladonia parasitica (NT) etc. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 6 | |||
2023 | Norr-Marktjärnsbäcken Logged forest despite the fact that ten red-listed species were found there, including Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 30 | |||
2023 | Hundtjärnåsen Harvested continuity forest with 10 conservation value species reported, next to the Hundtjärnåsen nature reserve. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 7,7 | |||
2023 | Svarttjärnåsen SCA felled roughly 15 hectares of natural forest with high to very high conservation values ??and findings of 28 different red-listed species, despite the environmental movement fighting for several years for SCA to preserve the area. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 15 | |||
2023 | Stensjöflon 19 hectares of natural forest with high conservation values, 14 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 19 | |||
2023 | Svantjärnen In August 2023 SCA logged a fores despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 16 | |||
2022 | Svedulandet Logged natural forest with 36 findings of 16 conservation value species, including Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU) and Hydnellum gracilipes (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 61 | |||
2022 | Stor-Gravberget SV Several fellings of natural pine forest on Stor-Gravberget's southwestern slope were carried out between 2019-2022, even though the conservation values ??have been known in the area for a long time. 61 findings of 24 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 27 | |||
2022 | Askeberget 10 hectares of old-growth forest with up to 300-year-old conifers in an area proposed for protection by the County Administrative Board. The logging also took place in violation of consultation with the Maskaure Sami village about when during the year logging would take place. |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog | 10 | |||
2022 | Orrmyrarna 11 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values ??logged. At least 14 red-listed species, thousands of findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), as well as findings of Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Skeletocutis odora (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) etc. on the clearcut. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 11 | |||
2022 | Hundbenberget In 2020, SCA sold parts of its forest holdings in the subalpine region to a private landowner. After the sale, SCA logged parts of the forest for the landowner, including 9.5 hectares of natural forest, parts of which were registered as WKH and other parts which had previously been protected as voluntary set-asides. On the clearcut NGOs found stumps from over 250-year-old spruces. 9 red-listed species. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 9,5 | |||
2022 | Stormyrberget Ö About 12 hectares of natural forest with high conservation values ??have been felled in 2022-2023. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 12 | |||
2022 | Stormyrberget V 15 hectares of natural forest were felled in 2022, despite the fact that over 110 findings of around twenty conservation value species were reported. Among other things Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Collema curtisporum (VU) and Anastrophyllum michauxii (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 15 | |||
2022 | Kälflon-Sörviksstrand SCA was fined SEK 50,000 for having caused soil damage despite an injunction from the Forest Agency. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 20 | |||
2022 | Gammfäbodtjärnen-Myre SCA was fined SEK 100,000 for violating an injunction and cutting down a forest rich in lichen that was important for reindeer husbandry. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1 | |||
2022 | Båsflon-Rocksjö SCA was fined SEK 50,000 for having caused soil damages despite an injunction, as well as causing damage to a sensitive biotope. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | ||||
2022 | Karimellanrova Felling of forests with rich fungal flora. 54 findings of 17 conservation value species, including Aphroditeola olida (VU), Albatrellus subrubescens (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU), Stereopsis vitellina (VU), Boletopsis grisea (VU) etc. |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 44,4 | |||
2022 | Rebraur Ö Subalpine old-growth spruce forest with red-listed species. The forest had already been felled at the time of Skydda Skogen's visit in 2022, but findings of red-listed species were made in the clearing. |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog | 29,6 | |||
2022 | Talleråsen-Hittamyran Logged voluntary set-aside adjacent to Fageråsen nature reserve/N2000. The area remains registered as a voluntary conservation set-aside, even though only scattered trees remain on the clearcut. |
Västernorrland | Timrå | 3 |
41 hectares of natural forests with high conservation values was notified for felling in 2019. Most of the forest was logged 2023/24 without any notice to environmental NGOs, despite there being an ongoing complaint process. Findings of 20 red-listed species. PHOTO: Private
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2022 | Dalakullarna N Logging of older forest just below the subalpine boundary within the habitat model for the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Partial wet-land forest. Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) reported. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 32 | |||
2022 | Marktjärnberget-Gubbdalbäcken Logged forest along Gubbdalsbäcken with findings of Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Phellodon melaleucus (NT) etc. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,9 | |||
2022 | Vallsjön-Brantberget Logged continuity forest with 30 findings of 13 conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 19,9 | |||
2022 | Mörtsjökojan S Forest with baneberry felled despite knowledge of presence of Baptria tibiale (EN) in neighboring forest. Continuity forest with findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Hydnellum caeruleum (NT) and Siberian jay (§4). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 7,7 | |||
2022 | Börsåsflon S Logged continuity forest despite reported findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Phellodon violascens (NT), among others. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 14,3 | |||
2021 | Fasikan S SCA felled an older, herb-rich spruce wet-land forest with a lot of dead wood. Here there were 68 findings of 19 conservation value species, among them the Siberian jay (§4), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 4,2 | |||
2021 | Kiltjärnen Bouldery natural pine forest was felled, despite 280 findings of 39 conservation species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Sidera lenis (VU), Goodyera repens (VU) and Phlebia centrifuga (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 36 | |||
2021 | Storflobäcken Logged natural forest where parts were classified as Woodland Key Habitat, despite over 100 findings of 32 conservation value species. Among others, Gloeoporus pannocinctus (VU), Collema curtisporum (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Willow tit (NT, §4) were found here. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 4,3 | |||
2021 | Bredmyran In the forest, 68 findings were made of 16 different conservation value species, including Griseoporia carbonaria (EN) and Sidera lenis (VU). Bouldery, fire-marked pine natural forest. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 7,9 | |||
2021 | Tuvfloberget Goodyera repens (VU), Phlebia serialis (NT), Crustoderma corneum (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 11 | |||
2021 | Lövhöjden 63 findings of 17 conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Orchesia fasciata (NT) and Collema furfuraceum (NT). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 50 | |||
2021 | Kroksjön Violation of the Forestry Agency's order regarding Osprey (§4). Sentenced to pay fine in 2022. |
Västernorrland | Kramfors | 9 | |||
2021 | Åbergstjärnvallen Logged forest with 18 findings of 12 conservation value species, Sidera lenis (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Chaenotheca subroscida (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 10,9 | |||
2021 | Långtjärnberget V. Logging of forest with the protected species Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 30 | |||
2021 | Korkeamännikkö (Ö) In 2021, a section of sand pine forest where Boletopsis grisea (VU), Hydnellum scabrosum (NT) and Sarcodon squamosus (NT) grew. |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 2 | |||
2021 | Hansselnäset Logged natural forest with 25 findings of 15 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Skeletocutis brevispora (VU). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 5,8 | |||
2021 | Stortjärnen Logged forest without consideration to Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 1,3 | |||
2021 | Gåltjärnen Felling of WKH (4.3 ha) and 'Objects with conservatoin value' (6 ha). Natural forest with Neckera pennata (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). 134 findings of 22 conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Timrå | 19 | |||
2021 | Sotarmyran Logged despite the presence of protected species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). 110 findings of 19 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU). 5 of 6 reported Goodyera repens locations were destroyed. |
Västernorrland | Timrå | 54 | |||
2021 | Baksjöberget Logging in registered Woodland Key Habitat. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 0,6 | |||
2021 | Tjärnmyrkullen Logged forest with findings of Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT) and Lobaria scrobiculata (NT). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 50 | |||
2021 | Marktjärnberget-Holmmyran Logged forest with 193 findings of 28 conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Collema subnigrescens (VU) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 23 | |||
2021 | Bäverdammsbäcken Natural forest sorrounded by wet-lands was logged in 2021. Asterodon ferruginosus (NT), Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Pseudographis pinicola (NT) and Cystostereum murrayi (NT) etc. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 2,3 | |||
2021 | Östra Luspenåive Felling of continuity forest with centuries-old pines in the middle of a large, continuous natural forest area next to the Byskeälven. Stumps from 2-300-year-old pines found on the clearcut. |
Norrbotten | Arvidsjaur | 6,4 | |||
2021 | Storåsen Logged registered Woodland Key Habitat with old-growth coniferous forest. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 2,9 | |||
2020 + 2023 | Brännbärberget Felling was carried out despite 71 findings of 22 conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 23,3 | |||
2020 | Mellan-Vattensjön In 2020, SCA felled ten of the original 50 hectares that were notified for felling north of Mellan-Vattensjön. In the felled part, there are around 60 finds of conservation species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 9,8 | |||
2020 | Helvetesbäcken Logged despite 29 findings of 12 conservation species, including three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Postia parva (NT) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 4 | |||
2020 | Vällingsjö In 2020, SCA felled a forest north of Vällingsjö where there were 101 findings of 21 different conservation species, including Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Cystostereum murrayi (NT), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 23 | |||
2020 | Vattenmyran Logged natural forest directly adjacent to the Vattenån nature reserve/Natura2000 area. Natural forest with 140 findings of 26 conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Goodyera repens (VU), Hydnellum caeruleum (NT), Phellodon melaleucus (NT) and Hydnellum aurantiacum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 5,3 | |||
2020 | Vattensjön Ö SCA felled a natural forest adjacent to the Vattenån nature reserve/N2000. 350 findings of 64 conservation species, including Griseoporia carbonaria (EN), Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Goodyera repens (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 26,5 | |||
2020 | Göransåsbäcken Logged natural spruce forest where parts were classified as WKH, despite over 100 findings of 32 conservation species. Among others, Gloeoporus pannocinctus (VU), Collema curtisporum (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and talltita (NT) were found here. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 3,4 | |||
2020 | Galabacken Ö Logged deciduous rich spruce forest where 37 findings of 13 conservation species had been made, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Lobaria scrobiculata (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 3,9 | |||
2020 | Fäbodmyran Logged WKH. Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Letoporus mollis (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 1,5 | |||
2020 | Hammarklacken Neckera pennata (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU). 65 findings of conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13 | |||
2020 | Lomtjärnen Ö Artomyces pyxidatus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). A total of 20 findings of conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 8,1 | |||
2020 | Brännan 155 findings of 30 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Phellodon secretus (VU) and Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 32 | |||
2020 | Högmyran-Jonsmyran 47 findings of 16 different conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 25 | |||
2020 | Abborrtjärnbrännan 74 findings of 24 conservation value species, including Lophozia ascendens (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Siberian jay (§4). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 68 | |||
2020 | Romundsbodberget 48 hectares was notified to be felled, of which 17 ha were exempted and 31 ha were felled with "enhanced" consideration, despite the fact that in these parts there were findings of Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU) etc. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 24,5 | |||
2020 | Osberget 250 findings of 31 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Sidera lenis (VU) and Skeletocutis brevispora (VU). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 39,5 | |||
2020 | Helvetesbrännan N 85 findings of conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Hericium coralloides (NT). Logged forest with high conservation values, adjacent to WKH and Helvetesbrännan nature reserve. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 11 | |||
2020 | Västeråsbodarna 116 findings of 20 conservation value species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,5 | |||
2020 | Dysjöberget 43 hectares of natural forest with very high conseration values, where 26 hectares have already been logged. 200-year-old pines with old scars from fires. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 23,5 | |||
2020 | Fäbodåsen 9 hectares, including a registered WKH of just over 1 ha has largely been logged. The forest was felled during an ongoing complaint process within the FSC-certification system. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 9 | |||
2020 | Skälsjön Violation of the Forestry Agency's injunction regarding the courting grounds for Western capercaillie (§4). Sentenced to pay fine in 2022. |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 6 | |||
2020 | Stormyrbäcken Logging of forest with traces from Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), adjacent to Woodland Key Habitat |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 3,7 | |||
2020 | Långselet Logging of continuity forest with findings of red-listed species such as Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 4,6 | |||
2020 | Pahtavaara In 2020, SCA felled an area within a planned reserve on Mount Pahtavaara, in the middle of an ongoing dialogue with the County Administrative Board regarding the protection of the forest. Within the area notified for logging there were, among other things, traces of Three-toed woodpeckers (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 7,9 | |||
2020 | Stenlokhöjden Old natural coniferous forest with silver pines and dead wood, adjacent to the Kullarna-Häxtjärn nature reserve. 57 findings of 10 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Cladonia parasitica (NT) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 66 |
10 hectares of old-growth forest with trees as old as 300 years was logged by SCA in 2022. The area was planned for protection by the County Administrative Board in Norrbotten. The logging was also in conflict with the consultations with the local Sámi village organisation Maskaure. PHOTO: David Johansson
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2020 | Kojmyrdalen Logged natural forest despite findings of Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) etc. A total of 22 findings of 13 conservation species, of which 7 are red-listed. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 28 | |||
2020 | Käckelbäcksmon Logged natural forest classified as "object of conservation value" including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Asterodon ferruginosus (NT), Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 4 | |||
2020 | Norr-Marktjärnen Logged continuity forest with findings of 17 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Hazel grouse (NT, §4) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 18 | |||
2019 | Forsåstjärnen In 2019, SCA felled a small area of ??continuity forest, with among others Cladonia parasitica (NT), Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT) and Pseudographis pinicola (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1,2 | |||
2019 | Rågsvedjeberget Logged forest with 28 findings of 8 different conservation species, including Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 10,5 | |||
2019 | Tebergsflon Decidious rich natural spruce forest with 67 findings of 19 different conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 15 | |||
2019 | Ol-Petterbotjärnmyran V Goodyera repens (VU), Asterodon ferruginosus (NT), Chaenotheca gracillima (NT) and Phellinus populicola (signal species). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10 | |||
2019 | Stenlokhöjden 58 findings of conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT), Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 62 | |||
2019 | Räggåmyran S Logged natural forest with, among other things, Cladonia parasitica (NT) and Carbonicola anthracophila (NT). Adjacent to nature reserve. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 9,4 | |||
2019 | Valvåsen S Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Haploporus odorus (VU), Lophozia ascendens (VU), Goodyera repens (VU), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). 109 findings of 24 conservation value species |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 6,1 | |||
2019 | Magninaberget SCA logged parts of a forest with high conservation values, with Neoantrodia primaeva (EN), Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) etc. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 10 | |||
2019 | Getryggen Sidera lenis (VU), Odonticium romellii (NT) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 18 | |||
2019 | Fågelleksmyran Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). 35 findings of 18 conservation species, of which 12 are red-listed. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 4,2 | |||
2019 | Kaltiojänkkä Logged sand pine forest with Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Hydnellum scabrosum (NT). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 15,4 | |||
2019 | Pierukielinen Logged forest with high nature values, despite 34 findings of ten conservation value species such as Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU), Boletopsis grisea (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 19,5 | |||
2019 | Lammivuoma Logged despite findings of Boletopsis grisea (VU), Phellodon fuligineoalbus (NT) and Hydnellum caeruleum (NT). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 10 | |||
2019 | Gåstjärnen Logged natural forest despite 46 findings of 6 red-listed species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Hertelidea botryosa (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 28 | |||
2019 | Djupsjöberget 41 hectares of natural forest have been felled adjacent to Hotagen's nature reserve, despite many findings of red-listed species. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 41 | |||
2019 | Lintamack SCA performed an "adapted logging" despite findings of the protected species Usnea longissima (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 17 | |||
2019 | Vandelmyran Logged forest with Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13,5 | |||
2019 | Getåsen Registered WKH that was described as "near-primeval forest" by the Forestry Agency was felled by SCA under the guise of "developing the natural values". According to the aerial images, the area is largely clearcut. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 17,8 | |||
2019 | Flakaliden Logging of natural forest with findings of, among other things, Resinoporia crassa (CR), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Acolium karelicum (VU). |
Norrbotten | Piteå | 16,9 | |||
2019 | Salsjömyran Ö Logged voluntarily set-aside area. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 12 | |||
2019 | Storbäckberget Logged continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and about twenty more conservation value species. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 90 | |||
2018 | Holmssjön N Logged natural forest with 85 findings of 14 conservation species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,5 | |||
2018 | Höåberget In 2018, SCA logged a voluntary set-aside in its Conservation Park in Sörgraninge. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 2 | |||
2018 | Galabacken V Logged pine forest with many felled trees of high conservation value. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 2,6 | |||
2018 | Maljån Logged in 2018 and 2020. Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT), Hericium coralloides (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 45 | |||
2018 | Hoverberget Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU). 78 findings of conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 21 | |||
2018 | Fagerholmsloken Sidera lenis (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 2,5 | |||
2018 | Skavskoknulen Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Nephroma bellum (signal species). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 10,8 | |||
2018 | Juliusvallen Within the parts of the forest that were felled, there were findings of Diplomitoporus crustulinus (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Siberian jay (§4) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 7,6 | |||
2018 | Väster-Mjöingen Felling in Woodland Key Habitat with 59 findings of 22 nature conservation species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Neoantrodia primaeva (EN), Postia lateritia (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU) etc. Some parts were logged in 2013, and the rest around 2018. Most of the trees have been felled despite the fact that the area is registered as a WKH. |
Jämtland | Berg | 50 | |||
2018 | Vallhall S 55 hectares were notified for felling, but after NGO inventories the felling was reduced to 17 hectares. 102 findings of 22 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 17,5 | |||
2018 | Bodberget 26 hectares on Bodberget were notified for felling in 2009, and of these 17.6 hectares were felled despite 40 findings of 11 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Pelloporus leporinus (NT) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 17,6 | |||
2018 | Gässjö-Jämtmyrån Continuity forest next to the village of Gässjö with findings of Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 14,4 | |||
2018 | Stor-Gravberget (Fliggmyrtjärn) 9 hectares of natural forest was logged with the protected and critically endangered and EU-protected species Cephalozia macounii (CR, §8). In total 15 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 9 | |||
2018 | Frättentjärnsberget Logged natural forest with, among other things, findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Bryoria nadvornikiana (NT) and Phellinus populicola (signal species). |
Västernorrland | Kramfors | 15 | |||
2018 | Maljan 43 findings of 11 conservation value species, including Cladonia parasitica (NT), Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT), Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT) and Hericium coralloides (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 50 | |||
2017 | Djuptjärnen Natural forest that was felled just before non-profit nature conservation visited the area. Many finds of Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Lobaria scrobiculata (NT) on the goat willows left on the logging site. |
Jämtland | Bräcke/Berg | 12,4 | |||
2017 | Orrmyran Ö Osteina undosa (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) etc. 129 findings of 25 different conservation value species. The area is now part of a wind farm area. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 31 | |||
2017 | Blomqvisttorpet Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Goodyera repens (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT). 42 findings of conservation value species. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 63 | |||
2017 | Rejeremyran Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT), Rhodofomes roseus (NT). 27 findings of 9 conservation species |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 20 | |||
2017 | Ödingssågen Continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Hertelidea botryosa (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 18,3 | |||
2017 | Norån More than half of the forest notified for felling was logged, despite findings of Diplomitoporus crustulinus (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) etc. A total of 131 findings of conservation value species. |
Jämtland | Berg | 14,5 | |||
2017 | Harrsjöskogen 8 hectares of forest worthy of protection was felled before logging operations were stopped by Greenpeace in 2017. 50 findings of 23 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Goodyera repens (VU). After further inventories, most of it was classified as Woodland Key Habitat. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 8 | |||
2017 | Lövladutjärnen A smaller part of a contiguous old-growth forest area was logged, despite findings of, among other things, Sidera lenis (VU), Artomyces pyxidatus (NT) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Jämtland | Krokom | 3,5 | |||
2017 | Abborrtjärnen Logged despite 28 findings of 22 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Alloclavaria purpurea (NT). |
Västerbotten | Bjurholm | 19 | |||
2017 | Björnberget Logged despite 27 findings of 14 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT). |
Västerbotten | Bjurholm | 34 | |||
2017 | Lintamack Logged forest despite finds of Usnea longissima (VU, §8) and Sidera lenis (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 26,5 | |||
2017 | Talleråsen Here, SCA logged a natural forest that had previously been voluntarily set-aside. The area had 168 findings of 29 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Timrå | 45 | |||
2016 | Näverloktjärnen 53 findings of 16 conservation species. Haploporus odorus (VU), Lophozia ascendens (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) etc. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 23,6 | |||
2016 | Västansjö SCA illegally logged a forest without first filing a notification and was sentenced to SEK 32,000 in fines for trading in illegal timber. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 18 | |||
2016 | Gullabborrtjärn Logged forest with Siberian jay (§4), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Alectoria sarmentosa (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 14 | |||
2016 | Ullsjön V Logged natural forest with 200-year-old pines, Porodaedalea pini (NT), Asterodon ferruginosus (NT) and fresh traces from Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 4,3 | |||
2016 | Volgsjökullen Forest logged despite 47 findings of 40 conservation value species, including Osteina undosa (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Bjurholm | 39 | |||
2016 | Källstakojan Ö Logged despite 100 findings of a large number of conservation value species, including Phellodon secretus (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Pine grosbeak (VU, §4). |
Jämtland | Berg | 34,7 | |||
2016 | Svartbäcken Logged despite the discovery of red-listed species such as Lophozia guttulata (NT), Alectoria sarmentosa (NT), Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT) and Hertelidea botryosa (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 18 | |||
2016 | Orrberget Logged continuity forest despite findings of, among other things, Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10 | |||
2016 | Kråktjärnsbäcken Logged continuity forest despite 33 findings of 13 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Porodaedalea pini (NT). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 8,3 | |||
2015 | Öster-Långselmyran Sidera lenis (VU), Odonticium romellii (NT), Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 14,5 | |||
2015 | Renfloberget Felling of an area classified as an 'objects with conservation values'. Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Collema subnigrescens (VU). 67 findings of 28 conservation value species. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 8 | |||
2015 | Abborrtjärnen Hydnellum gracilipes (EN), Neoantrodia primaeva (EN), Hydnellum caeruleum (NT), Hydnellum aurantiacum (NT) etc. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 6,1 | |||
2015 | Norknularna 117 findings of conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU), Chaenotheca gracilenta (VU) |
Jämtland | Berg | 11,7 | |||
2015 | Timmerflon 82 findings of 19 conservation value species, including Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Cladonia parasitica (NT) and Odonticium romellii (NT). |
Jämtland | Östersund | 31 | |||
2015 | Lill-Noren Most of the natural forest was felled, despite 118 findings of 19 conservation value species, including Haploporus odorus (VU) and Skeletocutis brevispora (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 23 | |||
2015 | Bräntkullarna N Logged forest with findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Skeletocutis brevispora (VU). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 16 | |||
2015 | Stor-Gåstjärnberget Older wet-land forest with high conservation values ??was felled in 2015, despite 52 findings of 22 different conservation value species, including Evodinus borealis (VU) and Skeletocutis chrysella (VU). |
Västerbotten | Nordmaling | 8,2 | |||
2014 | Yggeltjärnen SCA notified a natural forest area for final felling, with findings of Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Stereopsis vitellina (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) etc. The area was designated as a voluntary set-aside, yet most of the trees were felled. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 12 | |||
2014 | Grössjöberget Ö Northern bat (NT, §4), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Lophozia ascendens (VU). A total of 63 findings of 21 conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 28 | |||
2014 | Karl-Ludvigsberget Aporpium canescens (VU), Steccherinum collabens (VU). 33 findings of conservation value species. |
Jämtland | Östersund | 26 | |||
2014 | Målartorpet Sidera lenis (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU), Collema subnigrescens (VU). 66 findings of 17 conservation species. |
Jämtland | Östersund | 120 | |||
2014 | Västmyrbrännan SCA on private land, Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Phellodon violascens (NT), Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 11 | |||
2014 | Djupsjön N 91 findings of conservation value species, including Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT), Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 25 | |||
2014 | Tobergstjärnen 87 findings of 17 conservation value species, including Chaenotheca gracilenta (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 10 | |||
2014 | Trollklinten NV 70 findings of 43 conservation value species, including Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Laurilia sulcata (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 126 | |||
2014 | Djuphällberget Half of the forest notified for felling was logged, despite 36 findings of 11 conservation species, including Sidera lenis (VU) and Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 10,4 | |||
2014 | Matsäcksbacken Registered Woodland Key Habitat was logged. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 1 | |||
2014 | Småtjärnarna Logged forest with 51 findings of 10 conservation species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 3,1 | |||
2014 | Trolldalsberget In 2007, SCA felled a multi-layered, lichen-rich spruce forest with a large proportion of large goat willows, draped with Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Lobaria scrobiculatas (NT). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 17,5 | |||
2014 | Tuoljeberget 2.5 km from Muddus National Park, a forest was logged in 2011 and 2014 despite findings of Neoantrodia infirma (EN) and Siberian tit (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 40 | |||
2014 | Kroksjöåsen Logged natural forest despite 108 findings of 21 conservation value species, including Steccherinum collabens (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Artomyces pyxidatus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 24,5 | |||
2014 | Storkölen 13 hectares were notified for felling in 2007. Half was classified as WKH after NGO inventories, but the rest was felled despite confirmed high conservation values ??and findings of red-listed species, including Perenniporia subacida (VU). |
Norrbotten | Boden | 6 | |||
2013 | Nymyrberget N 7 out of 35 hectares were felled, despite 41 findings of 23 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 7 | |||
2013 | Kroktjärnen Logged natural forest with 84 findings of 12 conservation value species, including Skeletocutis chrysella (VU) and 16 observed sap rowns by Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 23,7 | |||
2013 | Aspberget 90 findings of 19 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Haploporus odorus (VU) and Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 24,2 | |||
2013 | Vattensjöberget Ö (2013) 33 hectares of logged natural forest with over 230 observations of conservation value species and 18 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 33 | |||
2013 | Hornsjön Logged natural forest with findings of, among other things, Sidera lenis (VU) and Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ragunda | 21 | |||
2013 | Åsmyrflon Logged forest with findings of Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 17,4 | |||
2013 | Haftorsberget Logged forest with findings of Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 2,2 | |||
2013 | Klippfäbodarna-Tjäderhalsmyran (V) Logged forest with findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT), Letoporus mollis (NT). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 11,9 | |||
2013 | Skinnarvikstjärnarna Logged forest with 48 findings of 11 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Jämtland | Krokom | 11,4 | |||
2013 | Lill-Brinnsjöhöjden Logged forest with 28 findings of 6 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Jämtland | Krokom | 11,9 | |||
2013 | Småtjärnarna Continuity forest with findings of 11 conservation value species, including Cystostereum murrayi (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Bryoria nadvornikiana (NT) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Västernorrland | Timrå | 16,3 | |||
2013 | Lill-Gravberget (västra) Parts of the continuous natural forest on Lill-Gravberget were felled by SCA, despite 13 findings of 7 conservation value species, among others Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Sidera lenis (VU), Steccherinum collabens (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10,4 | |||
2012 | Vävelsberget Logged natural forest with 59 findings of 15 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU) and three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). 7 out of 16 hectares were felled, despite conservation values being presented. |
Jämtland | Berg | 7,3 | |||
2012 | Vitberget Out of the 70 hectares notified for felling in 2008, six hectares were felled in 2012. The rest remains, partly (11 ha) as registered WKH. Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT) and Cladonia parasitica (NT) grew in the logged area. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 6 | |||
2012 | Linjeviken In 2007/08, SCA notified nearly 100 hectares of forest for felling, after which nearly 60 hectares were felled in 2012 despite the fact that high conservation values ??were proven. 73 findings of 17 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Norwegian water lichen (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 60 | |||
2012 | Kaakkurijärvi 8 out of 15 notified hectares felled in 2012, despite findings of, among other things, Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 8 | |||
2012 | Kroktjärnens naturreservat In 2012, SCA logged almost all the spruce in the planned nature reserve Kroktjärnen, under the pretense of favoring natural values ??linked to deciduous trees. The following year, half of the remaining deciduous trees were blown down as they were not storm-resistant, while closed forests on the other side of Kroktjärnen remained unharmed. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 30 | |||
2012 | Dyrkullstjärnen Logged forest with findings of, among other things, Odonticium romellii (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Bryoria nadvornikiana (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 1,7 | |||
2012 | Flåsjön-Lövstavägen Logged forest with 24 findings of 12 conservation value species, including Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Berg | 16,1 | |||
2012 | Tjärnberget Logged forest with 29 findings of 13 conservation value species, including Phellodon secretus (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Postia lateritia (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Boden | 25,6 | |||
2012 | Kroktjärn Six hectares of a larger contiguous natural forest area on the mountain Vitberget were felled in 2012, despite findings of Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT) and Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Västernorrland | Bräcke | 6 | |||
2012 | Neusak Väst Logged forest of WKH-quality and findings of Sidera lenis (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 13 | |||
2011 | Svartåshöjden 50 findings of 17 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU) |
Jämtland | Berg | 29 | |||
2011 | Börtingberget Logged forest with 38 findings of 9 conservation value species, including Siberian jay (§4), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). Adjacent to proposed nature reserve. |
Västerbotten | Åsele | 17,7 | |||
2011 | Mossamyren Logged forest with findings of, among other things, Laurilia sulcata (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog | 51 | |||
2011 | Ullsjön Ö Logged forest with 45 findings of 10 conservation value species, including Skeletocutis chrysella (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Odonticium romellii (NT). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 38,4 | |||
2011 | Floberget Natural forest where over 160 findings of 20 conservation value species were made, such as Skeletocutis odora (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Steccherinum collabens (VU). 13 hectares were set aside for nature conservation, but that too was felled a few years later (2013). These 13 hectares are still registered as a voluntary set-aside, even though they consist of a clear-cut. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 44,8 | |||
2011 | Långsjön Logged old-growth forest at Bergnäsviken with findings of, among other things, Resinoporia crassa (CR), Postia lateritia (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog | 27 | |||
2010 | Lillådalen 25 findings of 13 conservation value species. |
Jämtland | Krokom | 15,7 | |||
2010 | Harrsjömyren In 2010, SCA felled a forest on the northern shore of Lake Harrsjön where NGOs had found 16 findings of 7 nature conservation species, including Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU), Odonticium romellii (NT) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 7,2 | |||
2010 | Holmvallen Logged forest with three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Pelloporus leporinus (NT), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Jämtland | Krokom | 8,8 | |||
2010 | Rövran Logged forest with findings of, among others, Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (CV), Odonticium romellii (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 6,3 | |||
2010 | Björnsjön Logged forest with 40 findings of 7 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Chaenothecopsis fennica (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 11,3 | |||
2010 | Anstångbäcken Logged forest with 27 findings of 10 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Postia lateritia (VU) and Anomoporia kamtschatica (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 11,7 | |||
2010 | Jämtmyrberget Logged forest with 36 findings of 11 conservation value species, including Cortinarius fraudulosus (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 10,4 | |||
2010 | Rusvattenån 12 hectares of a larger forest worthy of protection with 83 findings of 27 conservation value species, such as Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Platismatia norvegica (VU) were felled in 2010. Adjacent forests that were also notified for felling were set aside as WKHs. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 12 | |||
2010 | Hidberget ? Svarttjärn Logged forest with 15 findings of 7 red-listed species, adjacent to WKHs |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 9 | |||
2009 | Koivuvara, Almost all of the remaining old forest on the entire mountain Koivuvara was felled in one sweep in 2009. The company destroyed a lichen-rich pine forest with very old dead wood, despite findings of, among other things, Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 47,6 | |||
2009 | Mittklinten Natural forest marked by fire with large aspens. The entire top of the mountain was felled in 2009, despite 35 findings of 16 red-listed species. |
Norrbotten | Luleå | 34 | |||
2009 | Kilberget Natural pine forest with a lot of dead wood and findings of, among others, Dichomitus squalens (EN), Postia lateritia (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU). |
Norrbotten | Luleå | 60,8 | |||
2009 | Långtjärnberget Ö Logged natural forest with, among others, Sidera lenis (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,1 | |||
2009 | Dysjön Large conifer old-growth forest where conservation value trees were felled and lying dead wood destroyed. Destroyed habitat for Sidera lenis (VU), Postia lateritia (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and about thirty other conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 80 | |||
2009 | Skärsundnäset 23 findings of 10 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Lepotoporus mollis (NT) and Crustoderma corneum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 27,2 | |||
2009 | Vattensjöberget Ö (2009) Natural forest logged, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Haploporus odorus (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,6 | |||
2009 | Frättentjärnsberget 10 hectares of natural forest logged with findings of, among other things, Sidera lenis (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Kramfors | 10 | |||
2009 | Jarre 300-year-old pine trees were felled in a subalpine forest adjacent to Pärlälven's Fjällurskogs nature reserve. |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 19 | |||
2009 | Skudoluokta Old sand pine forest that SCA felled despite reports of species findings and high conservation values ??within the 10,000 hectare large Karatj-Råvvåive forest. Hydnellum gracilipes (EN), Boletopsis grisea (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU) etc. |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 23 | |||
2009 | Västra Tallvattensjön Despite reports from conservationists, SCA felled a primeval forest in the middle of the area that became Tallvattensjöarna nature reserve some time later (in 2016). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 13 | |||
2009 | Tjäderflon A forest where 44 findings of 15 red-listed species had been made was felled by SCA. |
Jämtland | Åre | ||||
2009 | Sarkavare In 2009, a few kilometers from Muddus National Park, the company logged fifty hectares of contiguous forest despite findings of red-listed species. |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 50 | |||
2009 | Över-Renåflyn Logged natural forest with Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Asterodon ferruginosus (NT) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 13 | |||
2009 | Kåtamyran Just over 5 hectares of deciduous-rich continuous forest was felled in 2009, despite reports of red-listed species. |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 5 | |||
2009 | Neusak-Eskilstjärn Logged forest of WKH-quality and findings of Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) etc. |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 15 | |||
2009 | Rutnajoki Old-growth forest felled with three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Osmoporus protractus (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 30 | |||
2009 | Lill-Gravberget (östra) In 2009, SCA felled 13 of the 47 notified hectares on the eastern side of Lill-Gravberget. Here there were 133 findings of 28 conservation value species, of which 21 were red-listed. Griseoporia carbonaria (EN), Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Collema curtisporum (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), etc. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 12,6 | |||
2009 | Lill-klumpvattnet Logged forest of WKH-quality next to the subalpine border, with Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Cystostereum murrayi (NT) etc. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 8,7 | |||
2009 | Fasikan Logged old-growth forest area with Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Sidera lenis (VU) etc. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 45 | |||
2009 | Hjärtflotjärnen Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT), Porodaedalea pini (NT) etc. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 9,9 | |||
2009 | Tretjärnshöjden Logged natural forest with Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Letoporus mollis (NT) etc. |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 14,6 | |||
2008 | Nymyrberget S Six hectares of the original 20 notfied for felling were logged in 2016, despite 39 findings of 12 conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 6 | |||
2008 | Storön In 2008, SCA felled over 100 hectares of natural forest on Storön in Lake Storavan. In the forest there was a courting ground for Western capercaillie with 6-7 roosters, and there SCA only left one hectare of forest in the middle of the clearcut, which is far from enough. |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog | 100 | |||
2008 | Aldernäs Logged 150-year-old broadleaf dominated forest. Only two hectares were saved, despite the discovery of red-listed species in the area. |
Norrbotten | Boden | 11 | |||
2008 | Vitbergsträsk Felled forest with conservation values, among other things conservation value trees of pine, goat willow and aspen had been felled. |
Norrbotten | Boden | 17 | |||
2008 | Blåbärstjärnen Felling of near-primeval forest. |
Jämtland | Krokom | 40 | |||
2008 | Bergnäset (Mårdsjö) 85 findings of 38 conservation value species, including Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Flavidoporia mellita (VU), Osteina undosa (VU) and Pine grosbeak (VU, §4). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 33,2 | |||
2008 | Namnlöstjärnarna Logged natural forest with Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT) etc. |
Västernorrland | Timrå | 26 | |||
2007 | Hällingsåfallet During a visit to the clear-cut area above the border for subalpine forests, it was noted that SCA had felled an old-growth spruce forest and cut down old rotten spruces with bole scars, large goat willows and caused serious soil damage. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 18,5 | |||
2007 | Hällberget Logged lichen-rich natural forest with red-listed species such as Asterodon ferruginosus (NT). |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 9,8 | |||
2007 | Ratnivaara 33 hectares of natural pine forest were felled in 2007. On the clearing, 70 felled conservation value trees were found with fire scars and Neoantrodia infirma (EN) on crushed old, dead logs. |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 33 | |||
2007 | Norrmyrberget Logged fire-marked sand pine forest with very old pines. Sidera lenis (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) etc. were found on the clearing. |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 29 | |||
2007 | Östiberget, Åbojen A large number of conservation value trees have been felled or uprooted, including thick aspens, goat willows with Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and several pines between 250-300 years of age. |
Norrbotten | Boden | 48 | |||
2007 | Mårdsel SCA felled a forest, which the Swedish Forestry Agency judged on a follow-up visit to have had WKH-quality. |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 2 | |||
2007 | Mellanbergsmyrorna Logging of natural forest with findings of Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Cystostereum murrayi (NT) etc. The logging received criticism from the FSC auditors and resulted in 4 minor CARs and 1 major CAR. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 80 | |||
2007 | Galtryggen SCA logged a natural pine forest on a ridge stretching through wet-lands, and destroyed both natural values ??and the old church path. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 7 | |||
2007 | Stor-gravberget N Between 2006 and 2008, SCA logged around 60 hectares of natural forest on the northern slope of the mountain, including forests with Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 60 | |||
2006 | Fransmyran NV In 2006, SCA felled a WKH. The clearcut was then burned, and despite harvesting around 70% of all trees, the area is still registered as voluntarily set-aside for conservation. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,4 | |||
2003 | Älvsbyn SCA was prosecuted in 2003 for felling forest without filing a notification |
Norrbotten | Älvsbyn | ||||
2001 | Sotbrännan/Nästelbodarna Large clear-cut with nearly meter-deep wheel tracks after forestry machines. |
Jämtland | Berg | 39 | |||
1999 | Älgsjöberget In the spring of 1999, SCA logged its own consideration area at Älgsjöberget. Goat willow was extremely abunant. Steccherinum collabens (VU) and Poa remota (NT) were found after logging. Most of the goat willows were felled or driven down. Deep wheel tracks. |
Jämtland | Berg |
The following forests are currently* notified for final felling. Many of these forests are being processed by authorities or the environmental courts, after being appealed by environmental organisations. *this list has been compiled throughout 2024 and has not been continuously updated. Thus some areas may have been either logged or withdrawn.
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2024 | Mörtträskbäcken Natural forest with abundant findings of Evernia divaricata (VU) and eight other conservation species. |
Norrbotten | Boden | 3,2 | |||
2024 | Remsle Two smaller areas were notified for felling in 2024 within the recrealtional area on Remsleberget in Sollefteå. Three-toed Woodpecker (NT, §4), Black woodpecker (NT, §4), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3,8 | |||
2024 | Öraåtjärnarna Notified forest along the downstreams located nature-protected Öraån watercourse, with findings of Freshwater pearl mussel (EN), Hydnellum caeruleum (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 4,2 | |||
2024 | Lillsjöbäcken 28 findings of ten nature conservation value species, among them Anomoporia kamtschatica (NT), Porodaedalea pini (NT) andladonia parasitica (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 5,4 | |||
2024 | Öster-Rörtjärn 30 findings of ten nature conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 2 | |||
2024 | Rogstabodsjön V Continuity forest within three-toed woodpecker territory (NT, §4), also finds of Goodyera repens (VU) and Hericium coralloides (NT). A total of 11 different conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 7 | |||
2024 | Hångstaörn-Rensnäset Continuity forest on Rensnäset in lake Hångstaörn with, among other things, Porodaedalea pini (NT), Carbonicola anthracophila (NT) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 35 | |||
2024 | Mångviksberget 75 findings of 18 nature conservation value species, including the Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Nothorhina muricata (NT), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | ||||
2024 | Älggårdsberget Lichen-rich, spruce-dominated natural coniferous forest with elements of 2-300-year-old pines. 278 findings of 29 nature conservation value species, including territory for three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Steccherinum collabens (VU) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 15,6 | |||
2024 | Sandåsberget Within one of the Conservation Value Landscapes (Värdetrakt) designated by the County Administrative Board, SCA plans to fell nearly 30 hectares of contiguous continuity forest. 177 findings of 24 nature conservation species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Porodaedalea pini (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 29 | |||
2024 | Sörtannflobodarna Natural spruce forest with a large proportion of dead wood and huge aspens is scheduled for felling, despite the fact that it had previously been voluntarily set aside for nature conservation. Findings of, among other things, Goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Asterodon ferruginosus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8,8 | |||
2024 | Gillberget V Contiguous continuity forest with 66 findings of 23 conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 21,9 | |||
2024 | Lillsjöhöjden All remaining continuity forest on the mountain has been notified for final felling by SCA. Protect the forest's inventories observed ongoing nesting of three-toed woodpecker on the same day that the felling team arrived at the site. Logging seems temporarily halted. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 54,4 | |||
2024 | Älgehöjden Forest with high nature values notified for final felling. Findings of Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and a total of about ten red-listed species. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 15 | |||
2024 | Abborrtjärnen Older strip of natural coniferous forest with centuries-old pines registered for felling. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 2,1 | |||
2024 | Struldalen Older spruce-dominated mixed coniferous forest and wet-land forest with findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). A total of 17 conservation value species reported. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13,5 | |||
2024 | Röån-Timmeråsen Spruce-dominated natural coniferous forest within the territory of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Around twenty sap-rings from the woodpecker have been found, as well as other conservation value species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Pelloporus leporinus (NT), Hazel grouse (NT, §4) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 21,6 | |||
2024 | Sör-Hållmyrflon 25 hectares of continuous forest with high natural values ??and findings of 25 conservation value species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Will, according to SCA, be felled with adapted consideration. Large parts of the area consist of low-productivity marshlands and wet-land forests. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 25 | |||
2024 | Ottran Spruce-dominated natural coniferous forest within the territory of the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Findings of Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU), etc. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 9,9 | |||
2024 | Gärdsjögucken S Continuity forest with signs of historical fires, with findings of 17 nature conservation value species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 11 | |||
2024 | Kronstugan Continuity forest which is partly classified as a WKH, with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Cladonia parasitica (NT), etc. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10,6 | |||
2024 | Markslåttjärnen Continuity forest which is partly classified as a WKH, with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Odonticium romellii (NT) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), etc. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 26,7 | |||
2024 | Floarna Continuity forest notified for felling, which is partly classified as a WKH. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13 | |||
2024 | Björkberg Coniferous natural forest adjacent to a WKH with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Evernia mesomorpha (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 13,8 | |||
2024 | Lillsjön Natural forest with findings of, among other things, Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 1,9 | |||
2024 | Långstranden Natural forest with over 100 findings of conservation value species, including Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,2 | |||
2024 | Kvarnbacken Continuity forest with, among other things, 12 findings of Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 8,2 | |||
2024 | Frödhöjden Logging notification along a small forest stream in the middle of the three-toed woodpecker's (NT, §4) territory. The notification is located in a Conservation Value Landscape, and half of the notification is within continuity forest with high conservation values ??in between two nature reserves and large clusters with WKHs. Spruce trees over 200 years old. Findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT) and Cystostereum murrayi (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,9 | |||
2024 | Dalbacken In 2024, SCA received a logging notification for a wet-land forest. The forest was previously classified as a WKH, but the landowner had demanded it to be deregistered. |
Västerbotten | Norsjö | 9,7 | |||
2024 | Tågsjön Continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Goodyera repens (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 4,6 | |||
2024 | Rånön-Bodöviken Felling notification of continuity forest with high conservation values, mostly herbaceous wet-land forest. Findings of nearly 20 conservation value species, including Goodyera repens (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT). |
Norrbotten | Kalix | 3,6 | |||
2024 | Kerstiberget Old-growth forest with very high natural values ??and 25 conservation value species, including 60 locations with Goodyera repens (VU), as well as Sidera lenis (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT) |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,4 | |||
2024 | Kläppsjöbäcken Natural forest with findings of thirty different conservation species, including Ramalina thrausta (EN), Stereopsis vitellina (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Phellodon niger (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 18,5 | |||
2024 | Sälgviken Continuity forest along a forest stream, felling notification of former consideration area. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3,4 | |||
2024 | Gravabergstjärnen Stream ravine environment notified for felling. A previously voluntary set-aside and old consideration area along the ravine is now planned to be felled. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3,4 | |||
2024 | Braxberget Older lichen-rich natural forest on a mountain top. About 20 conservation species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3,8 | |||
2024 | Hundforsklippen Ö Biotope that requires consideration on a bouldery slope. Haploporus odorus (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU) and more. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1,1 | |||
2024 | Orrbäcksslåtten Previously voluntary set-aside that has now been notified of felling. 46 findings of 17 conservation value species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and Coptidium lapponicum (§7, protected under the EU habitat directive) |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1,5 | |||
2024 | Kroktjärnen Continuity forest within three-toed woodpecker territory (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 11,1 | |||
2024 | Hällmyran Continuity forest adjacent to a well-known courting ground for Western capercaillie. Over sixty findings of 24 conservation species, including Skeletocutis brevispora (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 7,2 | |||
2024 | Putten S Natural forest with high conservation values ??and nearly 150 findings of 40 conservation value species, including Osmoporus protractus (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Diplomitoporus crustulinus (VU) and Ochrolechia alboflavescens (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 36,5 | |||
2024 | Pullinki SCA has notified a natural spruce forest with very high conservation values, where the major parts are located in a deregistered WKH. Findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Norrbotten | Övertorneå | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Lillmyran SCA has notified a continuity forest for logging that was previously partially voluntarily set aside. Findings of Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Asterodon ferruginosus (NT) and protection classified bird of prey (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Bjurholm | 17,7 | |||
2024 | Salmi Logging notification of continuity forest where parts are wet-land forest. Findings of 14 conservation species, including Goodyera repens (VU) and Steccherinum collabens (VU). |
Norrbotten | Pajala | 2,7 | |||
2024 | Väster-Krokmyrsjön New road broken into continuity forest and three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) territory. Findings of a total of 10 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 20,8 | |||
2024 | Stordalen Logging notification of deciduous-rich coniferous natural forest within the territory of the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4), Western capercaillie (§4) and Siberian jay (§4). Also other species such as Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 4,4 | |||
2024 | Hattberget Logging notified forest on the top of Hattberget within the territory of the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Older spruce forest with Goodyera repens (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 5,6 | |||
2024 | Gisselås Forest notified for logging, where 0,6 hectares is a registered Woodland Key Habitat. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 0,6 | |||
2024 | Gråruet In november 2024, SCA notified subalpine forest for final felling. 7,8 hectares of these are registered as a Woodland Key Habitat. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 14,7 | |||
2024 | Håsjövallen Far out in roadless subalpine forests, SCA notified an area for final felling. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 19,7 |
In 2023 SCA notified 84 hectares of old-growth spruce forest in nature reserve class for final felling. More than 400 findings of 35 different conservation value species have been reported, including Skeletocutis odora (VU), Skeletocutis chrysella (VU), Diplomitoporus crustulinus (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT). PHOTO: Private
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2024 | Håsjömyrarna Far out in roadless subalpine forests, SCA notified an area for final felling. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 18,5 | |||
2024 | Håsjövålen Far out in roadless subalpine forests, SCA notified an area for final felling. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 9,3 | |||
2024 | Tväringstjärnen Registered WKH in wet-land spruce forest notified for final felling. |
Gävleborg | Ljusdal | 3,5 | |||
2024 | Starrhålet De-registered WKH notified for final felling in June 2024. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 2,2 | |||
2024 | Brattforsen In September 2024, SCA notified a registered WKH for final felling. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 3,1 | |||
2024 | Taråberget V In October 2024, SCA notified a continuity forest for final felling, despite reports of goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Siberian jay (§4) etc. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 2,2 | |||
2024 | Tarån-Hästmyran In September of 2024, SCA notified a forest along the Tarå river for final felling of which most used to be voluntarily set-aside for nature conservation, despite finding of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and other red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,6 | |||
2024 | Bjännkällbäcken In October 2024, SCA notified a forest for final felling where there are reports of goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). A total of 77 findings of 18 different conservation species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Floberget In November a previously set-aside area was notified for final felling, with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1 | |||
2024 | Fäbodkälen Forest notified for logging with findings of 20 different conservation value species, such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 20,3 | |||
2024 | Åvikberget Forest notified for final felling with findings of 12 different conservation value species, such as Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 20,5 | |||
2024 | Erik-Eliasbodarna Continuity forest notified for logging within territory of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Findings of around twenty conservation value species, among others Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Osteina undosa (VU) and Asterodon ferruginosus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 22,5 | |||
2024 | Altertjärnen Two areas were notified for logging, where NGO inventories made 180 findings of 27 different conservation value species, among others Perenniporia subacida (VU) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Norrbotten | Älvsbyn | 11,1 | |||
2024 | Lillträsket Continuity forest with findings of 18 conservation value species, among others Porodaedalea pini (NT), Chaenotheca gracillima (NT) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Älvsbyn | 1,6 | |||
2024 | Stor-Vävelsjön I july 2024 SCA notified two areas for final felling within forests proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". The area is just below the sub-alpine border. |
Jämtland | Berg | 12,6 | |||
2024 | Arån In September 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being partly within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Petteravan In November 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 5,4 | |||
2024 | Digerberget In June 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 3,2 | |||
2024 | Lillfjället In August 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 3,2 | |||
2024 | Över-Kvarnmotjärnen In October 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 2,6 | |||
2024 | Hovde In August 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Bergvattnet Ö In September 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 6,4 | |||
2024 | Väster-Hundsjön In June 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 11,5 | |||
2024 | Ytter-Rissjön Ö In Febuary 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling above the sub-alpine border, even though the forest is within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". Findings of Skeletocutis odora (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) etc. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 21,7 | |||
2024 | Rumpmyran In August 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 3,3 | |||
2024 | Månsberget Continuity forest with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and seven other red-listed species. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 2,7 | |||
2024 | Loktjärnarna Forest notified for final felling where 1,8 hectares are within a registered Woodland Key Habitat |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 1,8 | |||
2024 | Kronstugan-Gåstjärn Felling notified forest with findings of Albatrellus subrubescens (VU) and ten other red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,7 | |||
2024 | Lövberget Logging notified pine forest with findings of 26 conservation value species, among others Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Tricholoma sudum (VU) and Boletopsis grisea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Luleå | 11 | |||
2024 | Hedbäcken Nesting of the red-listed Redwing (Turdus iliacus) was found in this mixed forest with trees up to 200 years of age. |
Norrbotten | Piteå | 4 | |||
2023 | Vargtjärnen NO 19 hectares of natural forest with abundant occurrence of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) re-notified for felling in a contiguous natural forest area of ??200 hectares with very high natural values, see Withdrawn - Vargtjärnen |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 19 | |||
2023 | Getstugeberget 7.8 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values ??- a previously withdrawn felling notification which has been re-notified by SCA again. 24 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,8 | |||
2023 | Norsbodberget 29.5 hectares of natural forest with 18 nature conservation species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Black woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Western capercaillie (§4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 29,5 | |||
2023 | Ön (Rörmyrberget NR) 19.7 hectares of natural forest with i.a. Goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Black grouse (§4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 19,7 | |||
2023 | Gillberget NO 10.6 hectares of natural pine forest with high natural values, 21 red-listed species, i.a. Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU) and Hydnellum gracilipes (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10,6 | |||
2023 | Hundselet 3.7 hectares of natural forest on the banks of Pärlälven (the Pearl River), with possible Evernia mesomorpha (VU), Black woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). In the river there is the sensitive Freshwater pearl mussel (EN). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 3,7 | |||
2023 | Orrmyrbäcken 37 hectares of natural forest, 13 red-listed species including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Black woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 37 | |||
2023 | Frättmyran 15 hectares of lichen-rich natural forest. 13 red-listed species, abundant Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and territory for Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and Willow tit (NT, §4) |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 15 | |||
2023 | Stor-Hammartjärnen 9 hectares of natural forest with abundant occurrence of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Haploporus odorus (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 9 | |||
2023 | Rogstabodsjön Ö 13 hectares of natural forest with species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13 | |||
2023 | Rönnberget 24 hectares of natural forest that is part of a deregistered WKH is notified for felling. The forest is described as a near-primeval forest object by the Forest Agency. |
Västerbotten | Storuman | 24 | |||
2023 | Gråliden 10 hectares of sand pine forest, 10 conservation species, i.a. Boletopsis grisea (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU) and Tricholoma apium (VU). |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 10 | |||
2023 | Lojltilammberget Continuity forest within territory of Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and Lesser spotted woodpecker (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8,5 | |||
2023 | Bräntkullarna Logging notified in continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and 12 other nature conservation species. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 3,8 | |||
2023 | Stor-Sundsjön Logging notified continuity forest with findings of Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Fuscoporia viticola (signal species) and Alectoria sarmentosa (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 10 | |||
2023 | Helvetesbrännan V Continuity forest with findings of Goodyera repens (VU). Surrounded by voluntary reserves and nature reserves. Planned to be felled with "adapted consideration". |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 5,4 | |||
2023 | Bageråsklacken Natural forest within territory for three-toed woodpecker. Notified for final felling in 2023, but was previously voluntarily set aside for nature conservation. Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Porodaedalea pini (NT) etc. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 12,6 | |||
2023 | Bräntlandet/Salsjömyran Continuity forest within territory for three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Western capercaillie (§4) and several other red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 30 | |||
2023 | Sjulsbäckstjärnen Continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Siberian jay (§4), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). 100 findings of 17 conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,5 | |||
2023 | Grössjöberget Notified forest with 108 findings of 17 nature conservation species, among others Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Northern bat (NT, §4), Siberian jay (§4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Western capercaillie (§4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 43,9 |
10 hectares of old-growth forest with trees as old as 300 years was logged by SCA in 2022. The area was planned for protection by the County Administrative Board in Norrbotten. The logging was also in conflict with the consultations with the local Sámi village organisation Maskaure. PHOTO: David Johansson
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2023 | Myrsundstjärnarna Felling notified natural forest with findings of, among other things, Sidera lenis (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT) |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 2,9 | |||
2023 | Långbrännberget Continuity forest notified for logging with many findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 2,4 | |||
2023 | Flåsjön-Sveaknallen 24 findings of 14 nature conservation species, including Phellodon secretus (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 5,9 | |||
2023 | Stavbrännhöjden 22 findings of 11 nature conservation species, including Lobaria scrobiculata (NT), Crossocalyx hellerianus (NT) and Cladonia parasitica (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 13,1 | |||
2023 | Björnsjön 88 finds of 24 conservation species, including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Nothorhina muricata (NT) and Pelloporus leporinus (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 16,6 | |||
2023 | Åbergstjärnvallen Ö New road planned into an area with 174 findings of 38 red-listed species, including Albatrellus subrubescens (VU), Cortinarius barbaricus (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 0,8 | |||
2023 | Bräntkullarna SV Continuity forest adjacent to WKH. 10 findings of nature conservation species, including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Pelloporus leporinus (NT). Appealed case pending. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 3,1 | |||
2023 | Kesas-Dalheden Over 100 findings of 22 nature conservation species, including Tricholoma roseoacerbum (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Western capercaillie (§4). Large parts of the area have high natural values. |
Norrbotten | Överkalix | 35,4 | |||
2023 | Prästtjärnen 11 findings of 5 nature conservation species, including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Pseudographis pinicola (NT). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 2,3 | |||
2023 | Kilkok 8 findings of 5 nature conservation species, including Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Antrodia macra (NT) and Hydnellum caeruleum (NT). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 2,4 | |||
2023 | Norrtannflo Continuity forest notified for final felling, with finds of Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 4,4 | |||
2023 | Skarflon 87 findings of 32 nature conservation species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU) and Anomoporia kamtschatica (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 43 | |||
2023 | Skällmyran Continuity forest notified for felling with findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Pelloporus leporinus (NT) and Black woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 12 | |||
2023 | Hidberget S Older lichen-rich conifer natural forest, where the southern parts consist of wet-land forest. The notified forest is within the territory of the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Willow tit (NT, §4). 39 findings of 11 nature conservation species, among them Leptoporus mollis (NT) and Hypogymnia bitteri (NT). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 14,1 | |||
2023 | Gökfjället Felling-notified subalpine forest with findings of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and within BirdLife's habitat model for the species. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 15,6 | |||
2023 | Stämplingsbäcken Notified continuity forest on forested islands in welands, just below the subalpine border, with findings of Laurilia sulcata (VU) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 4,4 | |||
2023 | Ryptjärnberget Notified forest next to the subalpine border and adjacent to Ryptjärnsberget nature reserve. 129 findings of 25 nature conservation species, among others Chaenotheca sphaerocephala (VU), Willow tit (NT, §4), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). The court has ruled a temporary logging ban. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 19,7 | |||
2023 | Kvarntjärnen Continuity forest with 45 findings of around twenty nature conservation species, including Goodyera repens (VU), Gloiodon strigosus (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 6,9 | |||
2023 | Lokmyrhöjden Continuity forest remnant with findings of Goodyera repens (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Phellopilus nigrolimitatus (NT) and several other conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 22,6 | |||
2023 | Hösen N SCA has notified for final felling parts of a large contiguous natural forest area on Hösen's north slope, despite findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and other red-listed species. Adjacent to WKH. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 4,3 | |||
2023 | Skalberget 104 findings of 28 nature conservation species, including Goodyera repens (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 21,5 | |||
2023 | Skirträskbäcken Logging notified forest with Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and the protected orchid Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Västerbotten | Storuman | 7,5 | |||
2023 | Fröbäcken Wet-land forest notified for final felling with finds of Goodyera repens (VU, §8). Parts have previously been voluntary set-asides |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10,8 | |||
2023 | Gärdsjögucken N Continuity forest with 125 findings of 20 nature conservation value species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT) and three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 18,4 | |||
2023 | Övertjärnen-Täljeån Part of large contiguous natural forest area notified for felling by SCA, with findings of, among other things, Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Acolium karelicum (VU) and Haploporus odorus (VU, §8). Prohibition against causing soil damage issued by the Swedish Forest Agency due to observations of Freshwater pearl mussel (EN) in Täljeån river. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 33,3 | |||
2023 | Isopalo Old-growth spruce forest in nature reserve class, with over 400 findings of 35 different conservation value species, including Skeletocutis odora (VU), Skeletocutis chrysella (VU), Diplomitoporus crustulinus (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Kiruna | 86,3 | |||
2023 | Holmnäset Natural forest with high conservation values ??and findings of around thirty conservation value species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Skeletocutis odora (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 89 | |||
2023 | Klutmarksberget SCA is the operator for the planned felling of old-growth forest and recreational area on the hill 'Klutmarksberget'. Territory for Willow tit (NT) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT). |
Västerbotten | Skelleteå | 2,7 | |||
2023 | Kronstugan-Långtjärnen Felling notified continuity forest with findings of twelve different red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10 | |||
2022 | Oksajärvi A total of approx. 64 hectares of natural forest with high natural values, featuring approx. 150-350-year-old conifers, 18 red-listed species, i.a. Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Pajala | 64 | |||
2022 | Fågelvik 8.5 hectares of natural pine forest with species such as Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU) and Willow tit (NT, §4). 13 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,5 | |||
2022 | Skumsåsberget 13 ha of old lichen-rich natural forest with high conservation values ??and 21 red-listed species were notified for felling, but parts are likely to be set-aside after NGO field inventories. Three hectares on the eastern slope became WKH, but six hectares are still under threat of felling (See: Withrawn - Skumsåsberget Ö) |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 6 | |||
2022 | Blåbärshällorna 21 hectares of natural forest with high natural values ??notified for felling, 26 red-listed species including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Hazel grouse (NT, §4) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 21 | |||
2022 | Kylbodarna 19 hectares in core area for Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), road cleared into core area. Prohibition for felling after judgment in the Land and Environment Court. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 19 | |||
2022 | Slättesmyran 4 hectares of natural forest notified for final felling, with 129 findings of 34 nature conservation species, 23 of which are red-listed, including Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Rhodonia placenta (VU), Steccherinum collabens (VU), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 4 | |||
2022 | Granåsbäcken 12 hectares of natural forest with stream environments and wet-land forest. 11 red-listed species, Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Chaenotheca gracilenta (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Cypripedium calceolus (§7) etc. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 12 | |||
2022 | Tivsjöflon 45 hectares of natural forest with abundant occurrence of Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 45 | |||
2022 | Tivsjönäset 38 hectares of natural forest with abundant Goodyera repens (VU, §8), adjacent to a protected stream with Freshwater pearl mussel (EN). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 38 | |||
2022 | Örasjöberget N 8 hectares of continuity forest with 120-200 year old pines. 19 red-listed species, including Griseoporia carbonaria (EN), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 8 | |||
2022 | Örasjöberget V 69 hectares of natural pine forest, of which 43 hectares have already been felled. 19 red-listed species, including Griseoporia carbonaria (EN) and Neoantrodia infirma (EN). |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 69 | |||
2022 | Juånäset 42.5 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values, 21 conservation species, i.a. Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Bryoria nadvornikiana (NT) |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 42,5 | |||
2022 | Taråberget Continuity forest that surrounds the old croft on Taråberg, 10 red-listed species including Hazel grouse (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Black woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3 | |||
2022 | Gammfäbodåsen 11 hectares of natural forest with Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 11 | |||
2022 | Ol-Erstorpet Approx. 30 hectares of continuity forest in the breeding area of ??the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) is notified for final felling. |
Jämtland | Åre | 30 | |||
2022 | Byströmssmåtjärnarna 3 hectares of natural forest, which in its entirety consists of a biotope that requires consideration. Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 3 | |||
2022 | Arksjön Three smaller forest patches with continuity forest around Arksjön with findings of Goodyera repens (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 6,1 | |||
2022 | Långtjärnen Three forest areas with a large proportion of wet-land forest north of Långtjärnen were notified to be felled between 2020 and 2022. Findings of, among other things, Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 9 | |||
2022 | Uggleborgsberget 87 findings of 44 nature conservation species, including Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Collema nigrescens (VU) and Chaenotheca gracilenta (VU). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 20 | |||
2022 | Bjässforshöjden 19 findings of 11 nature conservation species, including Willow tit (NT, §4), Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and Pelloporus leporinus (NT). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 9,7 | |||
2022 | Källstakojan N Forest notified for logging despite findings of, among other things, Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 18,6 | |||
2022 | Aloppmoarna Within the three areas notified for final felling, 437 findings of 40 different nature conservation species have been made. Among them Aphroditeola olida (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU) and Boletopsis grisea (VU). |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 74 | |||
2022 | Källmyran 14 nature conservation species reported, including the Chaenotheca gracilenta (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Siberian jay (§4). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 2,6 | |||
2022 | Glasbruksberget Ö Forest with Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Lobaria scrobiculata (NT) and 31 observations of sap rings after the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) |
Jämtland | Krokom | 7,7 | |||
2022 | Skarpabborrtjärn 26 findings of 19 nature conservation species, including Sidera lenis (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Leptoporus mollis (NT) |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 6,7 | |||
2022 | Kroksjöåsen 29 findings of 11 nature conservation species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Collema subnigrescens (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Western capercaillie (§4). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 7 | |||
2022 | Räntmyrtjärnen Logging notified forest with findings of Boletopsis grisea (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU) and Hydnellum gracilipes (VU) etc. |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 2,1 | |||
2022 | Degermyrbacken Logging notified continuity forest with findings of Hydnellum caeruleum (NT), Hydnellum aurantiacum (NT), Phellodon niger (NT) and Sarcodon squamosus (NT). |
Västerbotten | Vindeln | 3,8 | |||
2022 | Östbodarna Five hectares of natural forest surrounding one of the farms at Östbodarna was notified for felling. In addition to high cultural values ??around a farm dating back to the 18th century, findings have been made of, among others, Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 5,1 | |||
2022 | Övertjärnen S (2) Large blocky natural pine forest with, among other things, findings of Hydnellum scabrosum (NT), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Hydnellum aurantiacum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 18,3 | |||
2022 | Kälshöjden Logging notified forest with high conservation values ??with species such as Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Rhodofomes roseus (NT) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT). The area is registered both as notified for final felling and as a voluntary set-aside according to SCA's own maps. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 10,1 | |||
2022 | Röån-Sörtågsjöberget Continuity forest with high natural values. Findings of newly made nesting hole by Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and nearly twenty conservation value species such as Pelloporus leporinus (NT), Asterodon ferruginosus (NT) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8,2 | |||
2022 | Hömyrtjärnen Continuity forest notified for felling. Rich with tree lichens and marked by historical fires. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1,2 | |||
2021 | Kälabodarna 12 hectares of limestone coniferous forest, habitat for the highly threatened moth and action program species Baptria tibiale (EN). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 12 | |||
2021 | Örasjöberget SO 4 hectares of continuous forest with abundant occurrence of Goodyera repens (VU, §8), 11 red-listed species. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 4 | |||
2021 | Knösmyran 10 hectares of lichen-rich natural forest next to the Stensjöflon nature reserve (Natura 2000). Nesting area for Willow tit (NT, §4) and Siberian jay (§4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 10 | |||
2021 | Ol-Olsbodarna 24 hectares of continuity forest in the breeding area of ??the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Östersund | 24 | |||
2021 | Övre Galvattsjön Spruce-dominated natural coniferous forest within the territory of the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Also Haploporus odorus (VU), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). Surrounded by WKHs and voluntary set-asides. |
Jämtland | Berg | 13,1 | |||
2021 | Över-Grucken 53 findings of 15 conservation species, including Tricholoma matsutake (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 15,1 | |||
2021 | Átjekjåhkå 10 findings of 5 nature conservation species, including Boletopsis grisea (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU) and Hydnellum caeruleum (NT). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 4,1 | |||
2021 | Saarijärvi Logging notified forest that is classified as "object with natural value" by the Swedish Forestry Agency. Findings of 8 red-listed species, including Boletopsis grisea (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 10,7 | |||
2021 | Brännbärberget V Older natural coniferous forest adjacent to WKH. 37 findings of 12 conservation species, including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 6,5 | |||
2021 | Hornsjön V 24 findings of 13 nature conservation species, including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 8,9 | |||
2021 | Fåssjödal SCA plans to log 45 hectares of forest out of the 100 hectares that make up the so-called Mosippe forest, a sand pine forest that is home to Arctic violet (EN), Albatrellus subrubescens (VU), Ramaria boreimaxima (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU). |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 45 | |||
2021 | Källmyrtjärnen Four hectares of continuous forest with findings of, among other species, Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Aphroditeola olida (VU) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 3,9 | |||
2021 | Övertjärnen S (1) Fire-damaged pine forest with findings of many nature conservation value species, including Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Phellodon secretus (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Sidera lenis (VU). Felling started on 19/8 2024 and the case has now been sent to court. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 9,7 | |||
2021 | Gillbergstjärnarna Continuity forest with findings of Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Hydnellum scabrosum (NT) and several other conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 5,4 | |||
2021 | Snällfotmyran Forest planned for logging despite high natural values. Registered at the same time as notified for felling and as a voluntary set-aside on SCA's own maps. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 6,1 | |||
2020 | Vattensjöberget S Registered Woodland Key Habitat with the presence of e.g. Neoantrodia infirma (EN) and adjacent natural forest notified for logging. About 17 hectares of natural forest with 13 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 17 | |||
2020 | Soteberget 45 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values, 23 red-listed species, including the highly threatened beetle Melandrya dubia (EN), an action program species. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 45 | |||
2020 | Leringstjärn Just over 10 hectares of natural forest with high natural values, 13 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10 | |||
2020 | Vålberget 33 hectares of natural forest with high natural values. 14 red-listed species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Epipogium aphyllum (NT, §8) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 33 | |||
2020 | Nötviken 22 hectares of limestone-conifer forest with high natural values, 10 red-listed species including Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Epipogium aphyllum (NT, §8) and Cypripedium calceolus (§7). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 22 | |||
2020 | Börsåsflon 5.8 hectares of natural forest in the form of a 1.7 km long and 10-50 meter wide protection zone next to registered WKH notified for felling. |
Jämtland | Härjedalens | 5,8 | |||
2020 | Yttre-Åbojhuvudet 23 findings of 8 nature conservation species, including Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Collema furfuraceum (NT) and Porodaedalea chrysoloma (NT). |
Norrbotten | Boden | 10,1 | |||
2020 | Korkeamännikö Sand pine forest along Skrövån river has been notified of felling, despite 100 findings of 28 nature conservation species, including Albatrellus subrubescens (VU), Boletopsis grisea (VU), Osmoporus protractus (VU) and Tricholoma roseoacerbum (VU). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 7 | |||
2020 | Hansselnäset V Older natural coniferous forest with high conservation values. 47 findings of 26 conservation species, including Platismatia norvegica (VU), Sidera lenis (VU) and Phlebia centrifuga (VU). |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 3,8 | |||
2020 | Kiltjärnen V Forest notified for final felling with 31 findings of 15 nature conservation species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 4 | |||
2020 | Brännan Woodland Key Habitat notified for felling, with 126 findings of 25 nature conservation species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Skeletocutis brevispora (VU). Already in 2007, the forest was notified for felling, but was then withdrawn. |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 10,6 | |||
2020 | Hornsjön Ö When the forest was notified for felling, the Swedish Forestry Agency made a field visit and registered it partly as a Woodland Key Habitat (3.1 ha) and partly as an 'Object of Natural Values' (2.1 hectares). 61 findings of 15 conservation species. |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 5,2 | |||
2020 | Tattartjärn Felling notified 'Object with natural values'. Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and 34 locations with Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 3,4 | |||
2020 | Vinbäcken Spruce-dominated continuity forest with goat willow and other deciduous trees, included in the territory of the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 5,3 | |||
2020 | Björnmyran Older conifer natural forest on islands in wetlands. 52 findings of 13 nature conservation species, including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Acolium karelicum (VU) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 5,1 | |||
2019 | Stormyrberget Ö 17 hectares of natural forest is planned for felling, where parts are voluntary set-aside and other parts are said to be felled in order to "preserve" and "develop" natural values according to SCA. 123 findings of 19 conservation species, i.a. Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Western capercaillie (§4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 17 | |||
2019 | Åbergstjärnvallen V 118 findings of 33 nature conservation species, including Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT) and Pelloporus leporinus (NT). |
Jämtland | Berg | 19 | |||
2019 | Klippfäbodarna-Tjäderhalsmyran (Ö) Logging notification with finds of, among other things, Amylocystis lapponica (VU), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 7,4 | |||
2019 | Brändberget 42 findings of 16 nature conservation species, including Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Calypso bulbosa (VU, §7) and Porodaedalea pini (NT). |
Norrbotten | Boden | 13,1 | |||
2019 | Stor-Gåstjärnberget Forest with findings of 13 different red-listed species. In 2001, an observation was made here of the rare beetle Pentanota jani (VU), which has only been reported a few times in the region of Ångermanland. |
Västerbotten | Nordmaling | 2,2 | |||
2019 | Pahtavaara 50 hectares of forest notified for felling within planned nature reserve. A smaller part (7.9 hectares) was felled in 2020, but the rest is still notified for final felling. |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 50 | |||
2019 | Rebraur V New forest road planned to run straight into a natural forest on the subalpine forest border. 359 findings of 45 nature conservation species, including Skeletocutis lilacina (EN), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Laurilia sulcata (VU) and Pine grosbeak (VU, §4). |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog |
These forests were once notified for final felling, but were withdrawn after complaints from environmental NGO’s. Some areas have since been protected as formal nature reserves or voluntary set-asides. The majority however still lack any kind of formal protection or long-term promises. In some cases, parts of the notified area was withdrawn while other parts were logged.
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2024 | Vigdsjön Deciduous-rich continuous forest with Melandrya dubia (EN) and three-toed woodpecker (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,8 | |||
2024 | Gårdberget In november 2024, SCA notified forest for logging as they plan to build a road through an intact natural forest and registered WKH with findings of more than fifty conservation species. Withdrawn after FSC-complaint by local NGO. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,4 | |||
2024 | Sör-Blåkölsbäcken High conservation value forest with findings of 12 different red-listed species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). After SSNC inventories, the logging notification was withdrawn and the area classified as a WKH. |
Norrbotten | Boden | 3,5 | |||
2024 | Åsen Forest notified for loggin with very high conservation values and findings of around twenty conservation value species, such as Griseoporia carbonaria (EN), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 30,4 | |||
2023 | Ratnivaara 18.5 hectares of newly registered WKH with findings of Neoantrodia primaeva (EN) and Sidera Lenis (VU). |
Norrbotten | Gällivare | 18,5 | |||
2023 | Svartbäcken-Fransåsen 11 hectares of natural forest with high natural values, 23 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 11 | |||
2023 | Björnbäcken 12 hectares of natural forest with high natural values, 19 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 12 | |||
2023 | Sjömyran 5 hectares of lichen-rich natural forest with high natural values. 18 red-listed species including the Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5 | |||
2023 | Bodberget 8.5 hectares of natural forest with high natural values, 15 red-listed species, including Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 8,5 | |||
2023 | Gillberget 13 hectares of pine forest with high natural values, Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Sidera lenis (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13 | |||
2023 | Högberget 3.1 hectares of lichen-rich natural forest with high natural values. 15 red-listed species including Plectocarpon lichenum (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3,1 | |||
2023 | Fransmyran 24 hectares of natural forest in a registered Natura 2000 area. Planned road construction through WKH. Another WKH already logged, see Fransmyran NV. 13 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 24 | |||
2023 | Stormyrberget About 40 hectares of natural forest in the middle of the Three-toed woodpecker's territory (NT, §4). About 60 trees found in the area with sap rings. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 40 | |||
2023 | Halstjärnarna 4 hectares of natural pine forest, 16 red-listed species, including Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Aphroditeola olida (VU) and Willow tit (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Bergs | 4 | |||
2023 | Krångeberget 4 hectares of continuous forest with 10 red-listed species, including Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU) and Willow tit (NT, §4) |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 4 | |||
2023 | Stor-Kärmsjön (Västra) 7.4 hectares of natural forest with 28 nature conservation species, including Aphroditeola olida (VU), Boletopsis grisea (VU), Osmoporus protractus (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Partly destroyed with heavy soil damages. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,4 | |||
2023 | Överbodvill 8 hectares of natural forest, including Sidera lenis (VU) and Phlebia centrifuga (VU). Felling prohibited by the Forest Agency due to nesting environment for Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8 | |||
2023 | Hålmyren 8.5 hectares of continuity forest in the breeding area of ??the three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Jämtland | Östersund | 8,5 | |||
2023 | Skumsåsberget Ö Natural forest that was notified for felling in 2022, but which, following a process from environmental NGOs, was set aside as a WKH in 2023. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 2,8 | |||
2022 | Nybäck 3.6 hectares of lichen-rich natural forest notified for felling. Withdrawn after NGO's inventories. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 3,6 | |||
2022 | Vargtjärnen In 2022, more than 200 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values ??were notified for felling by SCA. NGO's reported findings of 38 different red-listed species, including the critically endangered wood fungus Resinoporia crassa (CR). Some felling plans were withdrawn, while others are again notified for felling, (see Vargtjärnen NO). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 200 | |||
2022 | Hundforsklippen 13 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values, 27 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 13 | |||
2022 | Vackerbackhöjden Just over 30 hectares of natural forest with high to very high nature values, 19 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 30 | |||
2022 | Gamla Junselevägen 2 hectares of natural forest and stream environment, which in its entirety consists of a biotope that requires consideration. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 2 | |||
2022 | Skumsåstjärn Ö 9 hectares of natural forest notified for felling. Findings of 11 red-listed species, e.g. Acolium karelicum (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Hazel grouse (NT, §4) and Willow tit (NT, §4). Set aside as WKH after pressure from NGOs. Part of natural forest with very high natural values. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8,8 | |||
2021 | Klockarbacken Forest notified for final felling with 19 red-listed species, including three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Black woodpecker (NT, §4). Withdrawn in 2023/24. |
Jämtland | Bergs | 23,5 | |||
2020 | Stor-Mullberget 70 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values. 40 red-listed species, including Resinoporia crassa (CR). In 2021, SCA withdrew the logging notification after criticism from nature conservation organisations. |
Jämtland | Härjedalens | 70 | |||
2020 | Mörtsjökojan 16 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values, withdrawn after NGO's inventeries found 31 red-listed species. Forest with black baneberry felled despite knowledge of the presence of Baptria tibiale (EN) in the area (see Mörtsjökojan S). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 16 | |||
2020 | Kåski 15 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values. 31 red-listed species, including Ramalina thrausta (EN), Neckera pennata (VU), Hydnellum fennicum (VU), Sarcosoma globosum (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) etc. |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 15 | |||
2019 | Vattensjöberget N 18 hectares of natural forest with high to very high nature values, 18 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 18 | |||
2018 | Småmyrorna Forest notified for felling despite 35 findings of nature conservation species, among others Aporpium canescens (VU) and Phlebia centrifuga (VU). Was not felled, and is today as a voluntary set-aside. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 4 | |||
2018 | Flistersjöskogen 20 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values, 25 red-listed species including the highly endangered beetle Melandrya dubia (EN), an action program species, and Neoantrodia infirma (EN). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 20 | |||
2017 | Gässjö (Vilseskogen) Logging notified forest with high natural values ??next to the village of Gässjö, with Haploporus odorus (VU), Goodyera repens (VU) etc. Thanks to strong protests from the villagers, the forest was never felled, and the felling notification expired in 2023 without any promise of protection from the SCA. New plastic ribbons used to demarkate logging areas have appeared in the forest in the fall of 2024, so the logging plans seem not to have been abandoned. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 15 | |||
2017 | Nilsbodberget-Börtnessjön In 2017, SCA broke a new road into a natural forest area on Nilsbodberget. |
Jämtland | Berg | ||||
2017 | Fettjetjärnen/Stentjärnsberget Forest road felled into a continuous natural forest area with high to very high nature values, 23 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | ||||
2010+2011 | Falvik 53 hectares were notified for felling in 2010, but after inventories the notification was withdrawn. Today, 17 hectares are key biotope. A total of 102 findings were made of 14 nature conservation species within the notification, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN) and Hydnellum gracilipes (VU). |
Jämtland | Berg | 53 | |||
2010 | Klippfäbodarna 40 hectares of spruce natural forest, where the oldest spruces were 300 years old, was reported for felling during the Nature Conservation Society's visit in 2010. The felling was stopped and is today formally protected as the Klippfäbodarna nature reserve. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 40 | |||
2010 | Storbergkullen (Laraborg) At the time of the Nature Conservation Society's visit in 2010, 28 hectares of natural forest had been registered for felling on Storbergskullen. The area's high natural values ??meant that the forests received formal protection when Laraborg's nature reserve was formed in 2019, with a total area of ??145 hectares. |
Västerbotten | Åsele | 28 | |||
2010 | Storbäcken In 2010, SCA notified 47 hectares of primeval forest at the mountain border for felling, but inventories from NGO's could put a stop to the felling plans. Today, most of the area is voluntarily set aside. |
Jämtland | Krokom | 47 | |||
2010 | Lill-Oxsjöskogen In 2010, SCA registered a natural forest with very high natural values for final felling, including finds of Postia lateritia (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). Logging was stopped and the area was protected as a nature reserve. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 20,4 | |||
2010 | Bastusjöklippen In 2010, SCA notified an area for felling, despite findings of, among other things, Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Usnea longissima (VU) and Amylocystis lapponica (VU). After NGO inventories, the area received formal protection when the Bastuklippen nature reserve was formed a few years later. |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 11,6 | |||
2010 | Kråktjärnen Over 650 findings were made of 44 nature conservation species in the felling-notified forests around Kråktjärnen. Among other species were Ramalina thrausta (EN), Usnea longissima (VU), Amylocystis lapponica (VU) and Skeletocutis brevispora (VU). |
Västernorrland | Härnösand | 45 | |||
2009 | Bräntkullarna In 2009, SCA notified a natural forest on Bräntkullarna for felling, which was stopped after NGO's inventories. Today, they are part of the 40 hectares classified as Woodland Key Habitat. The area has extremely high conservation values, with findings of Skeletocutis lilacina (EN), Neoantrodia primaeva (EN), Anomoporia bombycina (EN) and as many as 13 reported (VU) species. A total of 305 findings have been made of 71 different conservation species. In 2023, SCA notified a neighboring forest for felling. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 30 | |||
2009 | Suppevare N In 2009, SCA notified a natural forest completely below the mountain border for felling, but the plans were stopped. |
Norrbotten | Arjeplog | 13,9 | |||
2009 | Lokstadflon Within the felling notification, 101 findings of 30 nature conservation species were found, including Diplomitoporus crustulinus (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU) and Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU). The greater part today is set aside as a voluntary set-aside, but the western part is classified as felling adjusted consideration according to SCA. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 24,9 | |||
2009 | Stor-Brinnsjön V 368 findings of 47 nature conservation species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Phellodon secretus (VU), Hydnellum gracilipes (VU) and Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU). Today, everything is classified as woodland key habitat. |
Jämtland | Krokom | 150 | |||
2008 | Ljungan 34 hectares reported for felling in old-growth forest. Findings of Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Sidera Lenis (VU) etc. |
Jämtland | Berg | 34 | |||
2008 | Harrsjöån In 2008, SCA notified the felling of eight hectares of forest with high natural values ??along Harrsjöån. 61 findings were made of 24 nature conservation species, including Neoantrodia infirma (EN), Goodyera repens (VU), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU) and Collema subnigrescens (VU). After the inventories, the entire area was classified as a woodland key habitat. |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 8 | |||
2008 | Halvvägenesberget V 14 hectares were reported for felling in 2008. 6.6 hectares are today key biotope and, however, some small parts (3.3 hectares) were felled with Sidera lenis (VU) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 14 | |||
2008 | Stentjärnsberget After NGO inventories of the notified forest, parts were set aside voluntarily and parts were classified for management with "adapted methods". |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 35 |
The forests at Sörsjöberget were notified for final felling in 2005. Today, some parts have been logged while large parts on the south side of the mountain are voluntarily set-asides or registered as Woodland Key Habitats. The top of the mountain is however still classified as forest which at some time will be logged with “adapted consideration”.
Year | Forest | Countie | Municipality | Hectar | Images | Map | News |
2024 | Håsjömyrarna Far out in roadless subalpine forests, SCA notified an area for final felling. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 18,5 | |||
2024 | Håsjövålen Far out in roadless subalpine forests, SCA notified an area for final felling. |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 9,3 | |||
2024 | Tväringstjärnen Registered WKH in wet-land spruce forest notified for final felling. |
Gävleborg | Ljusdal | 3,5 | |||
2024 | Starrhålet De-registered WKH notified for final felling in June 2024. |
Jämtland | Ragunda | 2,2 | |||
2024 | Brattforsen In September 2024, SCA notified a registered WKH for final felling. |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 3,1 | |||
2024 | Taråberget V In October 2024, SCA notified a continuity forest for final felling, despite reports of goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) and Siberian jay (§4) etc. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 2,2 | |||
2024 | Tarån-Hästmyran In September of 2024, SCA notified a forest along the Tarå river for final felling of which most used to be voluntarily set-aside for nature conservation, despite finding of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and other red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,6 | |||
2024 | Bjännkällbäcken In October 2024, SCA notified a forest for final felling where there are reports of goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). A total of 77 findings of 18 different conservation species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Floberget In November a previously set-aside area was notified for final felling, with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Rhodofomes roseus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 1 | |||
2024 | Fäbodkälen Forest notified for logging with findings of 20 different conservation value species, such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Skeletocutis brevispora (VU) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 20,3 | |||
2024 | Åvikberget Forest notified for final felling with findings of 12 different conservation value species, such as Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 20,5 | |||
2024 | Erik-Eliasbodarna Continuity forest notified for logging within territory of Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). Findings of around twenty conservation value species, among others Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Osteina undosa (VU) and Asterodon ferruginosus (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 22,5 | |||
2024 | Altertjärnen Two areas were notified for logging, where NGO inventories made 180 findings of 27 different conservation value species, among others Perenniporia subacida (VU) and Goodyera repens (VU, §8). |
Norrbotten | Älvsbyn | 11,1 | |||
2024 | Lillträsket Continuity forest with findings of 18 conservation value species, among others Porodaedalea pini (NT), Chaenotheca gracillima (NT) and Hazel grouse (NT, §4). |
Norrbotten | Älvsbyn | 1,6 | |||
2024 | Stor-Vävelsjön I july 2024 SCA notified two areas for final felling within forests proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". The area is just below the sub-alpine border. |
Jämtland | Berg | 12,6 | |||
2024 | Arån In September 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being partly within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Petteravan In November 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 5,4 | |||
2024 | Digerberget In June 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Berg | 3,2 | |||
2024 | Lillfjället In August 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 3,2 | |||
2024 | Över-Kvarnmotjärnen In October 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 2,6 | |||
2024 | Hovde In August 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 5,1 | |||
2024 | Bergvattnet Ö In September 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Jämtland | Strömsund | 6,4 | |||
2024 | Väster-Hundsjön In June 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 11,5 | |||
2024 | Ytter-Rissjön Ö In Febuary 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling above the sub-alpine border, even though the forest is within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". Findings of Skeletocutis odora (VU), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4) etc. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 21,7 | |||
2024 | Rumpmyran In August 2024 SCA notified a forest for final felling, despite it being within the area proposed for protection in the so called "mountain forest package deal". |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 3,3 | |||
2024 | Månsberget Continuity forest with findings of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and seven other red-listed species. |
Västerbotten | Dorotea | 2,7 | |||
2024 | Loktjärnarna Forest notified for final felling where 1,8 hectares are within a registered Woodland Key Habitat |
Jämtland | Härjedalen | 1,8 | |||
2024 | Kronstugan-Gåstjärn Felling notified forest with findings of Albatrellus subrubescens (VU) and ten other red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 8,7 | |||
2024 | Lövberget Logging notified pine forest with findings of 26 conservation value species, among others Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Tricholoma sudum (VU) and Boletopsis grisea (VU). |
Norrbotten | Luleå | 11 | |||
2024 | Hedbäcken Nesting of the red-listed Redwing (Turdus iliacus) was found in this mixed forest with trees up to 200 years of age. |
Norrbotten | Piteå | 4 | |||
2023 | Vargtjärnen NO 19 hectares of natural forest with abundant occurrence of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) re-notified for felling in a contiguous natural forest area of ??200 hectares with very high natural values, see Withdrawn - Vargtjärnen |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 19 | |||
2023 | Getstugeberget 7.8 hectares of natural forest with very high natural values ??- a previously withdrawn felling notification which has been re-notified by SCA again. 24 red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,8 | |||
2023 | Norsbodberget 29.5 hectares of natural forest with 18 nature conservation species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Black woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Western capercaillie (§4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 29,5 | |||
2023 | Ön (Rörmyrberget NR) 19.7 hectares of natural forest with i.a. Goodyera repens (VU, §8), three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Black grouse (§4). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 19,7 | |||
2023 | Gillberget NO 10.6 hectares of natural pine forest with high natural values, 21 red-listed species, i.a. Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Anthoporia albobrunnea (VU), Sidera lenis (VU), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Byssomerulius albostramineus (VU) and Hydnellum gracilipes (VU). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 10,6 | |||
2023 | Hundselet 3.7 hectares of natural forest on the banks of Pärlälven (the Pearl River), with possible Evernia mesomorpha (VU), Black woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4). In the river there is the sensitive Freshwater pearl mussel (EN). |
Norrbotten | Jokkmokk | 3,7 | |||
2023 | Orrmyrbäcken 37 hectares of natural forest, 13 red-listed species including Phlebia centrifuga (VU), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Black woodpecker (NT, §4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 37 | |||
2023 | Frättmyran 15 hectares of lichen-rich natural forest. 13 red-listed species, abundant Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and territory for Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and Willow tit (NT, §4) |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 15 | |||
2023 | Stor-Hammartjärnen 9 hectares of natural forest with abundant occurrence of Goodyera repens (VU, §8) and Haploporus odorus (VU, §8). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 9 | |||
2023 | Rogstabodsjön Ö 13 hectares of natural forest with species such as Goodyera repens (VU, §8), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8), Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Lobaria pulmonaria (NT) and Phellinidium ferrugineofuscum (NT). |
Västernorrland | Ånge | 13 | |||
2023 | Rönnberget 24 hectares of natural forest that is part of a deregistered WKH is notified for felling. The forest is described as a near-primeval forest object by the Forest Agency. |
Västerbotten | Storuman | 24 | |||
2023 | Gråliden 10 hectares of sand pine forest, 10 conservation species, i.a. Boletopsis grisea (VU), Tricholoma matsutake (VU) and Tricholoma apium (VU). |
Västerbotten | Skellefteå | 10 | |||
2023 | Lojltilammberget Continuity forest within territory of Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and Lesser spotted woodpecker (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 8,5 | |||
2023 | Bräntkullarna Logging notified in continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Three-toed woodpecker (NT) and 12 other nature conservation species. |
Västerbotten | Vilhelmina | 3,8 | |||
2023 | Stor-Sundsjön Logging notified continuity forest with findings of Lobaria pulmonaria (NT), Fuscoporia viticola (signal species) and Alectoria sarmentosa (NT). |
Västernorrland | Sundsvall | 10 | |||
2023 | Helvetesbrännan V Continuity forest with findings of Goodyera repens (VU). Surrounded by voluntary reserves and nature reserves. Planned to be felled with "adapted consideration". |
Jämtland | Bräcke | 5,4 | |||
2023 | Bageråsklacken Natural forest within territory for three-toed woodpecker. Notified for final felling in 2023, but was previously voluntarily set aside for nature conservation. Hydnellum gracilipes (VU), Porodaedalea pini (NT) etc. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 12,6 | |||
2023 | Bräntlandet/Salsjömyran Continuity forest within territory for three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Western capercaillie (§4) and several other red-listed species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 30 | |||
2023 | Sjulsbäckstjärnen Continuity forest with findings of, among other things, Siberian jay (§4), Haploporus odorus (VU, §8) and Lobaria pulmonaria (NT). 100 findings of 17 conservation value species. |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 7,5 | |||
2023 | Grössjöberget Notified forest with 108 findings of 17 nature conservation species, among others Three-toed woodpecker (NT, §4), Northern bat (NT, §4), Siberian jay (§4), Willow tit (NT, §4) and Western capercaillie (§4). |
Västernorrland | Sollefteå | 43,9 |
Screen-shot from Forest Monitor. Pink and purple areas show probable and potential continuity forests. Yellow polygons show areas logged during the past 15-20 years.
Sweden holds a large part of the EU’s remaining continuity forests. But, with today’s rapid logging rate, scenarios and estimates made by scientists, authorities and experts indicate that most of the remaining continuity forests and old forests with conservation values, outside nature conservation areas, are at risk of being lost due to logging activities within approximately one to few decades.
The different map layers of older forests and continuity forest available in Sweden consist partly of Forest Monitor’s layer with potential older forest and continuity forest available for the whole of Sweden, and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) data layers of probable and potential continuity forests in the boreal region of Sweden. The data used as a basis for the analysis in this report is from SEPA.
Note that Forest Monitor’s definition of ”potential continuity forest” differs from SEPA in that Forest Monitor’s definition includes both probable and potential continuity forest, while SEPA distinguishes probable from potential.
Another, much bigger difference is that Forest Monitor has classified the entire data set into known conservation values, probable conservation values and other potential older forest and continuity forest.
Protect the Forest’s map service Forest Monitor has created data also for Southern Sweden, and published a modified version of SEPA:s layer of continuity forest in the boreal region. This data, as mentioned, is classified into three categories based on open data on whether the forests contain known high conservation values or probable conservation values.
The total area of potential and probable continuity forest in the boreal region, where SCA do their forestry operations, has been mapped with remote sensing by Metria commissioned by the SEPA. Metria and SEPA have also published refined mapping of continuity forest in the subalpine and montane forest, and in the counties of Norrbotten, Dalarna, Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland.
Today, the remote sensing of continuity forests and old forests also include some areas of secondary forest, so they will need further quality control and revision.
Metria’s first mapping presented a relatively large overestimation and some underestimation of the total area of continuity forest. This is due to, among other things (such as method errors), the fact that in the boreal region there is a partly diversified history of forest use. A minor study has indicated that clear-cutting occurred in one eastern part (near forest industries) of the boreal region as early as the beginning of the 20th century. While in other parts of the boreal region, in the northwest, clear-cutting was probably introduced as common practice, on a large scale as late as in the 1950s.
Of course, not all forest land mapped with remote sensing as older forest and probable continuity forest is forest with high conservation values. However, validations of the map layers from SEPA and Protect the Forest´s Forest monitor service, show a high accuracy in finding older forests and continuity forests that arose before the mechanisation of clear-cut forestry in the 1950s.
Validations of the mapped area of probable continuity forest shows that most of the mapped area is continuity forest or older forests and estimates based on samples and on validation via large random field inventories indicates that a large part of these areas have natural and conservation values, or are so-called core areas and/or old-growth forests.
How large area of primary and old-growth forest outside strictly protected forest land, is there in Sweden?
Conclusion: logging within the mapped area with potential and probable continuity forest means a high risk of degrading old-growth forest and destroying forest with conservation values. Our 500 examples in this report shows that SCA logs and plans to log many forests with conservation values and that the statistics in this report provides additional data that reinforces that the loggings are systematic.
Note! Furthermore, older forest stands and continuity forest that cannot be classified as ”old-growth” may have both conservation and restoration values and should not be felled. In order to reach national environmental targets and international conventions regarding biodiversity, nature restoration and climate mitigation, there is no room to harvest biomass from continuity forests in Sweden.
The following articles are a just small sample of the negative media coverage that SCA has been given in recent years. These articles only address environmental issues related to forestry, but over the years there has also been a steady stream of news reports on financial scandals, such as corruption, bribery and tax evasion.
The data collected for the list of 500 examples was gathered using field-inventory reports, published reports from NGOs, open GIS-data, species findings and media publications. The oldest report dates back to 1999, but the bulk of the forests were logged or notified between 2010 and 2024. The data has been verified through the best available open GISinformation and satellite images. Data on surface areas and dates are either taken from the final felling notification or measured from aerial or satellite imagery. The accuracy of actual hectares and year might therefore vary.
Species findings are taken from SLU Artdatabanken, an open database run by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Presented species lists for logged objects might include findings which have been left within consideration patches or buffer zones, so the list should be seen as what species were found in an intact ecosystem before logging.
Some areas have been logged in the guise of nature conservation management, but in these cases the large amount of trees harvested is totally unjustified from an ecological perspective. Extracting wood from protected or voluntarily set-aside forests is not acceptable, as dead wood is a key factor for forest biodiversity.
The list contains three categories of forests; logged, notified and withdrawn. The data collection and verification was conducted from the beginning of 2024 until September and has not been systematically monitored or updated. During this time, notified forests may have been logged or logging notifications withdrawn. Many of the more recent notifications have either been appealed to the environmental courts or are being processed by supervisory authorities.
A full list of coordinates for each forest will be available for downloading at skyddaskogen.se. For most areas, photographs and more information is available upon demand. If you find any errors or have any inquiries please contact: info@skyddaskogen.se
Below is a dictionary where we clarify some forestry terms.
International targets and the national environmental objectives emphasise functionality, connectivity and representativeness in the work with forest protection. CBD states that: ”especially areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, are effectively conserved and managed through ecologically representative, well-connected and equitably governed systems of protected areas and other effective areabased conservation measures”. This is supported by science highlighting that: “Ignoring representativeness and connectivity exaggerates green infrastructure functionality.”
In order to reach national and international environmental targets it is crucial that the protection is ecologically representative. It is therefore not possible to include, for example, tree-covered bogs in the statistics for protected productive forest. Preservation of the forest biodiversity will not be reached by adding quantitative figures, including different forms of forest land that’s not currently under commercial forestry operation. Since productive forest is subject to logging, it is urgent that the areas of high conservation values are protected. Also, protection of the productive forest is very important for biodiversity.
Continuity forest is defined by the Swedish Forest Agency (2011) as: “A forest that has natural values whose occurrence is explained by the fact that for a long time there have been suitable forest habitats and substrates in this particular forest or in its vicinity“.
The definition includes forests that have never been clearcut and includes the majority of all forests (particularly in the northwest of Sweden) generated before clear-cutting was introduced as common practice, and on a large scale.
Many species are associated with continuity forests, and these forests have a unique biological diversity. The Swedish Species Information Center at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences states that: ”Lack of continuity forests, i.e. forests that have never been clearcut, is one of the main reasons why forest-dwelling species are listed on the Red List.” and that: ”In order to reverse the trend of declining populations, unprotected forest environments, with habitats for red-listed species, need to be preserved in the long term throughout the country.”.
A core area [värdekärna] is a mapped forest area with high conservation values of major significance for the flora and fauna. Core areas vary in size, from small forest stands to areas of several hundred hectares. WKH and other areas with conservation values are included. A core area can also be a forest area that is not classified as a WKH, but which has one or more of the characteristics of forests with high conservation values.
The Forest monitor is a unique online map service produced by the organisation Protect the Forest Sweden, that brings together important data and map layers of valuable forest habitats in one place. It also presents a new comprehensive mapping of potential older forests and continuity forests (i.e. forests that have not undergone clear-cutting in the past). The map layers show where there are, or could be, forests with high conservation values, but also social values and forests with large carbon stocks throughout Sweden. The mapping of older forest and continuity forest has different degrees of accuracy and probability, and we are constantly striving to refine, adjust, validate and update in order to increase precision and accuracy.
The web tool presented on this website aims to facilitate the work with international and national environmental targets and various types of nature conservation and climate initiatives. The map service creates better conditions for locating the forests that potentially contain the highest natural values, and the landscape sections where there are concentrations of potential older forests and continuity forests that may be or are forests with conservation values. This is the basis for functional landscape planning, something that helps managers of forests in their nature conservation work: individual forest owners, municipalities, forestry companies and authorities, etc.
But this is also a map for outdoor activities and recreation, and for anyone who wants to explore the natural heritage of the north and enjoy the beauty and diversity of Sweden’s most natural and magnificent forests.
This is an open and free map service. No one has previously presented such a complete collection of open data on potential older forest and continuity forest that delimits forest stands with high conservation values, or where high conservation values are likely to be located.
The European Commission’s proposed definition (2023): A forest stand or area consisting of native tree species that have developed, predominantly through natural processes, structures and dynamics normally associated with late-seral development phases in primary or undisturbed forests of the same type. Signs of former human activities may be visible, but they are gradually disappearing or too limited to significantly disturb natural processes.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species, also known as the IUCN Red List, is the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global extinction risk status of animal, fungi and plant species.
The IUCN Red List has assessments of the relative risk that various species have of becoming extinct on national and global levels. The risk is evaluated according to criteria from the International Union for Conservation of Nature. In Sweden, the Swedish Species Information Center is responsible for the red list. About 2 000 forest-living species are red listed. According to the Swedish Species Information Center, approximately 1,400 red-listed species are strongly negatively affected by logging. A recent assessment shows that out of the threatened forest living species, close to 400 are directly negatively affected by clear-cutting.
The Swedish Species Information Center writes in a report (2011) that: ”Sweden’s forest landscape is being transformed from pristine or extensively managed forests with great biological diversity to biologically more monotonous production forests. These forests do not get very old (before being clear-cut again/our remark) and are less varied in tree age, tree species and structures (they also contain smaller amounts of dead wood). This changes the conditions for the forest’s plants, fungi and animals. Some benefit, but significantly more are disadvantaged.”, and: ”Since 1950, approx. 60% of Sweden’s productive forest land has been clear-cut and converted to production forests. In addition to this, comes clear-cuts from further back in time.”.
About 2000 forest-dwelling species arte red-listed. Approximately 1,000 red-listed forest-dwelling species are assessed as threatened, of which at least 394 species are assessed as threatened due to clear-cutting.
Moreover the Swedish Species Information Center at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences states that “approximately 1,400 red-listed species are strongly negatively affected by logging” and that the ”lack of continuity forests, i.e. forests that have never been clearcut, is one of the main reasons why forest-dwelling species are listed on the Red List.” They conclude that ”in order to reverse the trend of declining populations, unprotected forest environments, with habitats for red-listed species, need to be preserved in the long term throughout the country.”
Near the Scandes, the mountain range running northsouth in Scandinavia, there is a more than 800 km long belt of montane (or subalpine) forest, relatively untouched by forestry. It is an area with concentrations of primary and old-growth forests. This landscape is a very valuable natural heritage on a European level, and could be called the Amazon of Scandinavia. Scientists delineated the Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt as the largest intact forest landscape within the European Union.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, timber was floated down the rivers to Sweden’s east coast, and the western mountainous areas were difficult to log and to extract timber from. Even today, they are less accessible, which is why this forest belt has remained. 58,7 % of the montane forest (both productive and low-productive) is formally protected today. According to the Forestry Act, logging of high conservation value montane forests is not permitted. Despite this, in 2021 approximately 30 percent of the applications for logging in this area were permitted. In order to protect biodiversity and maintain ecological processes, this north-south corridor, where species will be able to migrate to escape a warmer climate, must be preserved. Scientists state that: ”the Scandinavian Mountains Green Belt is a key entity supporting ecological legacies, boreal biodiversity and ecosystem services, resilience and adaptive capacity, which needs to be safeguarded for the future.”.
The Swedish EPA has mapped over 500,000 hectares of productive forest land with very high conservation values within or in close proximity to the border of subalpine forest. A government investigation (SOU 2020:73) suggests that: ”...approximately 500,000-525,000 hectares of productive forest land, in the large contiguous natural forests within and in close proximity to the border of subalpine forest,…, long-term preservation must be ensured”. This is motivated by, among other things the need: ”...to preserve biological diversity at the highest level, ecosystem diversity”. Today, however, there are no government decisions for the protection of all this internationally valuable forest, nor sufficient funds.
According to the Swedish Forest Agency, WKHs are forest areas that, by an overall assessment of its ecological structure, species content, forest history and physical environment, has a high importance for the forest’s flora and fauna today, and harbour or can be expected to harbour red-listed species .
WKHs were systematically mapped and registered by the Swedish Forest Agency and by the large forest companies during the 1990’s and early 2000’s. They were also registered when encountered in connection to authority supervision. There are still many undetected WKHs and further systematic inventories are needed.
WKHs do not have any legal protection, but within the voluntary forest certifications, they are prohibited to be logged. According to a governmental decision in 2021 the Swedish Forest Agency no longer maps and registers new WKHs. Recently WKHs have begun to be deregistered, following demands by land-owners and forest companies. These unfortunate events are the result of a long-term anti-nature conservation campaign run by the forest industry and land owner associations.
Here you will find more information about how certified forestry logs forests with conservation value and about the Swedish model of forest management, and the negative effects it brings:
Examples of logging of conservation value forests and the Swedish forest model, which illustrate how certified forestry year after year continues to systematically violate certification rules and/or undermine the opportunities for Sweden to reach international and national environmental targets.
A special thanks to all the people who have contributed with inventory reports from threatened and unprotected forests. Thousands of hours of voluntary work is behind the data presented in the 500-list.